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Re: OT: Design question

by BrowserUk (Patriarch)
on Oct 01, 2004 at 05:45 UTC ( [id://395557]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to OT: Design question

This is rather simplistic, and may look somewhat complex, but note that 1/3rd of the lines are data which could be in a DB or a config file; and half of the code is simply used to generate some test data.

The entire thing is data-driven. Hand code some more attribute types into the __AE__ section (or add some values in the arrays in GenData package and uncomment the first line of main) and nothing else need to change apart from adding event handlers to suit any new events.

The event handlers become class data for the widget class. The attribute-event table becomes class data for the attribute class. The rest, hopefully, is self-explanatory.

#! perl -slw use strict; use Inline::Files; use Data::Dumper; package Widget; my %handlers = ( email => sub{ print "Sending email to $_[ 0 ]" }, phone => sub{ print "Phoning $_[ 0 ]" }, fax => sub{ print "Faxing $_[ 0 ]" }, ); sub new { my( $class, %attribs ) = @_; return bless { map{ $_ => Attribute->new( $_, $attribs{ $_ } ) } keys %attrib +s }, $_[ 0 ]; } sub do_events { my $self = shift; map{ my( $event, $parameter ) = split '=', $_; $handlers{ $event }->( $parameter ); } $self->{ $_ }->events for keys %$self; } 1; package Attribute; my %AttrEvents; my( $type, $value, $events ); push @{ $AttrEvents{ $type }{ $value } }, split ',', $events while ( $type, $value, $events ) = split ' ', <main::AE>; #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%AttrEvents; sub new { my( $class, $type, $value ) = @_; return bless { type => $type, value=> $value, }, $class; } sub value{ $_[ 0 ]->{value}; } sub events{ my $self = shift; my $AERef = $AttrEvents{ $self->{type} }{ $self->{ value } }; wantarray ? @$AERef : $AERef; } 1; package GenData; ## This package is ONLY used to generate test data. use List::Util qw[shuffle]; our @colors = qw[ red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ]; our @sizes = 10 .. 20; our @weights = map{ 250 * $_ } 1 .. 10; our @materials = qw[ plastic wood steel bronze ]; our %edata = ( email=>'', phone=>'0800-CALL-', fax=>'0800-FAX-', ); our %attrs = ( color => \@colors, size => \@sizes, weight => \@weights, material => \@materials, ); our @events = qw[ email phone fax ]; our @types = map{ "type$_" } 'A' .. 'Z'; sub init{ my @lines; while( @colors or @sizes or @weights or @materials ) { for my $attr ( ( keys %attrs )[ rand keys %attrs ] ) { next unless @{ $attrs{ $attr } }; my $value = splice( @{ $attrs{ $attr } }, int( rand @{ $at +trs{ $attr } } ), 1 ); my @events = ( shuffle @events )[ 0 .. rand @events ]; push @lines, "$attr\t" . $value . "\t" . join( ',', map{ $_ eq 'email' ? "$_=${value}$edata{$_}" : "$_=$edata{$_}\U$value" } @events ); } } print main::AE "$_\n" for sort @lines; } 1; package main; # GenData::init; my $widget = Widget->new( color => $GenData::colors [ rand @GenData::colors ], size => $GenData::sizes [ rand @GenData::sizes ], weight => $GenData::weights [ rand @GenData::weights ], material => $GenData::materials[ rand @GenData::materials ], ); print Data::Dumper::Dumper $widget; $widget->do_events; __END__ __AE__ color blue fax=0800-FAX-BLUE color green color indigo phone=0800-CALL-INDIGO color orange,phone=0800-CALL-ORAN +GE color red,phone=0800-CALL-RED,fa +x=0800-FAX-RED color violet,fax=0800-FAX-VIOLET color yellow phone=0800-CALL-YELLOW,fax=0800-FAX-YELLOW,emai material bronze phone=0800-CALL-BRONZE material plastic material steel phone=0800-CALL-STEEL,fax=0800-FAX-STEEL,email=st material wood fax=0800-FAX-WOOD size 10 fax=0800-FAX-10,,phone=080 +0-CALL-10 size 11 phone=0800-CALL-11 size 12 fax=0800-FAX-12,,phone=080 +0-CALL-12 size 13 fax=0800-FAX-13, size 14 size 15,fax=0800-FAX-15 size 16 fax=0800-FAX-16,phone=0800-CALL-16,email=16@some size 17 phone=0800-CALL-17 size 18 size 19,phone=0800-CALL-19,fax=08 +00-FAX-19 size 20 fax=0800-FAX-20,phone=0800-CALL-20,email=20@some weight 1000 fax=0800-FAX-1000 weight 1250 phone=0800-CALL-1250, weight 1500,fax=0800-FAX-1500,phone +=0800-CALL-1500 weight 1750 phone=0800-CALL-1750,fax=0800-FAX-1750 weight 2000,phone=0800-CALL-2000 weight 2250 fax=0800-FAX-2250 weight 250 fax=0800-FAX-250, weight 2500 fax=0800-FAX-2500 weight 500 fax=0800-FAX-500, weight 750,phone=0800-CALL-750


P:\test>395427 $VAR1 = bless( { 'color' => bless( { 'value' => 'green', 'type' => 'color' }, 'Attribute' ), 'weight' => bless( { 'value' => 1000, 'type' => 'weight' }, 'Attribute' ), 'size' => bless( { 'value' => 13, 'type' => 'size' }, 'Attribute' ), 'material' => bless( { 'value' => 'steel', 'type' => 'material' }, 'Attribute' ) }, 'Widget' ); Sending email to Faxing 0800-FAX-1000 Faxing 0800-FAX-13 Sending email to Phoning 0800-CALL-STEEL Faxing 0800-FAX-STEEL Sending email to

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