in reply to Parse data into large number of output files.

The problem is that there can be hundreds of original senders. Having that many filehandles open is certain to be problematic....Should I just risk opening a zillion filehandles?

On what do you base you supposition that having lots of file descriptors open is a problem? What risks do you perceive? You assert but do you test. By default on Win2K you can have 509, on Linux 1021. 3 handles are used for STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, so there are 512 and 1024 handles respectively available.

C:\tmp>perl -e "open ++$fh, '>', $fh or die qq'$fh $!\n' for 1..$ARGV[ +0]" 512 510 [root@devel3 tmp]# perl -e 'open ++$fh, ">", $fh or die "$fh $!\n" for + 1..$ARGV[0]' 1024 1022 Too many open files

But so what? Just increase the number if you need to. On Linux:

[root@devel3 tmp]# ulimit -n 65535 [root@devel3 tmp]# perl -e 'open ++$fh, ">", $fh or die "$fh $!\n" for + 1..$ARGV[0]' 2048 [root@devel3 tmp]# ls 204? 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 [root@devel3 tmp]#

It is not actually the number of open file handles that will cause an issue. Depending on the underlying file system you will start to get issues if you go over10-20,000 files in a single direcotry with ext2/3. Reiser FS does not care.

