in reply to Generator of integer partitionts of n

Here is an iterative solution that produces output in ascending order and is about twice as fast as blokhead's in my rudimentary benchmarks.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $numb = $ARGV[ 0 ] || 10; my $iter = partition( $numb ); while ( my @part = $iter->() ) { print "@part\n"; } sub partition { my $target = shift; return sub { () } if ! $target || $target =~ /\D/; my @part = (0, (1) x ($target - 1)); my $done = undef; return sub { return () if $done; my $min = $part[ -2 ]; my $total = $part[ 0 ] ? 0 : 1; my $index = 0; for ( 0 .. $#part - 1) { if ( $part[ $_ ] > $min ) { $total += $part[ $_ ]; next; } $index = $_; last; } $part[ $index ]++; $total += $part[ $index ]; if ( $total > $target || $part[ $index ] > $part[ 0 ] ) { @part = ( $index ? ++$part[ 0 ] : $part[ 0 ], (1) x ($targ +et - $part[ 0 ]) ); } else { @part = ( @part[ 0 .. $index ], (1) x ($target - $total) ) +; push @part , 1 if $part[ 0 ] == 1; } $done = 1 if $part[ 0 ] == $target; return @part; } }
I am sure it could probably be improved a bit more but it is working and that's what's important.

Cheers - L~R