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Excel::SpreadSheet : Can't call method "set_column" on an undefined value

by nathanvit (Beadle)
on Sep 23, 2004 at 09:55 UTC ( [id://393156]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

nathanvit has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello to everybody,
I'm trying to order lines of an Excel's spreadsheet and set dimension of columns. i'll explain better. I've a db in MSSql server in which i've a table.
I want to put this table in Excel but ordered by a field called "filiali"...
I use DBI and DBD::ODBC to connect to MSSql server and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB to put the table into Excel's file... Then i use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to order table and set coulmn width but my program tell me: "Can't call method "set_cloumn" on an undefined value at line 28".
Does anybody can help me? What does it means? How can i order by a field?
Thanks, nathanvi
use DBI; use strict; use DBD::ODBC; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $user='intranet'; my $passwd='vittorio'; my $tabella='A_Filiali'; my @campi=qw/CodiceFiliale CittaFiliale Indirizzo Cap NumTel NumFax So +cieta Apertura/; my $file='prova.xls'; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:registri',$user, $passwd) or die "Non + riesco a connettermi!!\n"; my $ss = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB->read($dbh, $tabella); $ss->include_columns(@campi); open FILE, ">$file" or die "Non riesco ad aprire il file!!\nErrore: $! +\n"; binmode FILE; print FILE $ss->as_xls; close FILE; my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($file); my $worksheet=$workbook->sheets(0); $worksheet->set_column(0,0, 30); $workbook->close();
PS: In documentation about WriteExcel, it says "AutoFit" is impossible: Documentation
Sorry for my bad english :-(

Steve_p - changed title to be more "searchable"

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Re: Excel::SpreadSheet : Can't call method "set_column" on an undefined value
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 23, 2004 at 10:23 UTC

    If you look at the synopsis of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, then you will see:

    use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; # Create a new Excel workbook my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("perl.xls"); # Add + a worksheet $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

    you are using ->sheets(0) and not add_worksheet() which is incorrect.

      Thanks i know but in worksheet method you can read sheets() and here it seems you can also use this method to get a sheet.
      Probably i fall at this point?

        With sheets() you get a list (or one) existing worksheet, you can't use it to create one. (I guess)

        Try adding a worksheet, and then using the sheets() method, then it will probably work.

Re: Excel::SpreadSheet : Can't call method "set_column" on an undefined value
by jmcnamara (Monsignor) on Sep 23, 2004 at 18:03 UTC

    The error comes from the fact that you haven't called add_worksheet() before trying to access the worksheet object.

    Spreadsheet::WriteExcel creates a new file. It doesn't update existing files like you are trying to do in your example.

    I thought that it would be possible to access the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel object that Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB uses but the module doesn't expose it.

    It would be possible to subclass Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB and add the required functionality but it would probably just be easier to use DBI and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel directly.


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