$x = 0; DoStuffX(); print "As long as no one used global variables, I know that x = 0 ", "without needing to know what DoStuffX does.\n"; if ($x != 0) { print "Nope, I need to spend time looking through ", "DoStuffX to find out why x changed. I really ", "wish the guy used \$x=DoStuffX(\$x) so that I ", "would know whether he changed x intensionally ", "or not.\n\n" }; $y = 0; DoStuffY($y); print "As long as no one used global variables, I know that y = 0 ", "without needing to know what DoStuffY does.\n"; if ($y == 0) { print "Yippie! I can go home early!\n\n" }; sub DoStuffX { # lost of code involving $x $x=$x+1; # lots of code involving $x }; sub DoStuffY { my $y = shift @_; # lost of code involving $y $y=$y+1; # lots of code involving $y };