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Re^2: Perl & Regex

by Kzin (Acolyte)
on Sep 09, 2004 at 00:11 UTC ( [id://389525]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Perl & Regex
in thread Perl & Regex

Allright, that didn't quite seem to do the trick...
Ok here is the code, however I have changed the company to one *similar* to my own, just for example purposes. I dont claim affiliation to these guys disclaimer stuff goes here.
#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::SMTP; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my ($req, $match, $res, $name, $url, $price, $readPath, $write +Path, $companyName, $ccemail); my $changes=""; my $searchString=""; my $searchString2=""; $email = ''; # $tag represents a <blah> tag in html $tag = "<[^>]*>"; $readPath = "/home/autotasks/pricemonitor/"; $companyName = "LensMart"; $searchString = qr|^Price: \$([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)|; $searchString2 = qr|^Price: $tag\$([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)|; open( CONTACTS, "<$readPath$companyName" ) ; # list being read open( CONTACTS2, ">$readPath.$companyName"); # new list being +generated while( <CONTACTS> ) { chomp($_); ($name, $url, $price) = split(/###/, $_); $savename = $name; $name =~ s/\(/\\(/g; $name =~ s/\)/\\)/g; $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); $res = $ua->request($req); $_ = $res->content; # the "if" statement below looks for the product name +and price if( /$searchString/ ) { $match = $1; # check if price is the same if( $1 == $price ) {} else { # price changed, so add to "changes" l +ist $changes .= "$savename($url) - changed + from \$$price to \$$1 \n\n"; } print CONTACTS2 "$savename###$url###$1\n"; } elsif ( $searchString2 ne "" ) { if( /$searchString2/ ) { $match = $1; # check if price is the same if( $1 ne $price ) { # price changed, so add to "ch +anges" list $changes .= "$savename($url) - + changed from \$$price to \$$1 \n\n"; } print CONTACTS2 "$savename###$url###$1 +\n"; }else { print CONTACTS2 "$savename###$url###$p +rice\n"; $changes .= "No match on $savename($ur +l)\n\n"; } }else { print CONTACTS2 "$savename###$url###$price\n"; $changes .= "No match on $savename($url)\n\n"; } } close( CONTACTS ); close( CONTACTS2); # copy new list onto old one to ensure things are the same nex +t time system( "cp $readPath.$companyName $readPath$companyName" ); # if prices changed, email if( $changes ne "" ) { system ("date"); print "$companyName:\n$changes"; $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost'); # connect to an S +MTP server $smtp->mail( $email ); if ($ccemail ne "") { $smtp->to($email, $ccemail); }else { $smtp->to($email); } $smtp->data(); # Send the header. $smtp->datasend("To: $email \n"); $smtp->datasend("From: $email\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $companyName Price Changes\n +"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); # Send the body. # $smtp->datasend("$changes\n"); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit; }else { system("date"); print "$companyName: No change\n"; } # End Of File
I apologise ahead of time for lack of good meaningful comments and have to give credit to various sources from around the 'net for little tips here and there... like the qr thing. So the 'net owns this not me. hehe
The file that it is reading from would be named "LensMart" or whatever you put in for company name. An example line would be...
Acuvue### dId=1/cur=1/cam=LM602###15.95
You could put many lines in that file, but I dont really want to go through that person's site and pull up all of their individual products. Dont forget to change the readpath to wherever you are going to put the file. This works best with linux because I have prepended the second file with . to hide it, as it is really just a temp file. I dont know what windows will do in this situation.
Ok thats enough babbling, I shall now leave it to those who are more wise.

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Re: Perl & Regex
by Kzin (Acolyte) on Sep 22, 2004 at 23:28 UTC
    Was wondering if anyone was able to get this code to work?

    By Kzin

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