#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; if ( not defined $ARGV[0] ) { print "No search directory given.\n"; exit; } else { checkNames($ARGV[0]); } # exit; sub checkNames { use warnings; use strict; my $thisdir = shift; my $thisfile; if ( $thisdir =~ /[^0-9A-Za-z\-\.\/]/ ) { print "Directory $thisdir contains strange characters.\n"; } opendir(THISDIR, $thisdir) or die "Couldn't read from $thisdir.\n"; NAMES: while ( $thisfile = readdir(THISDIR) ) { if ( -d $thisfile ) { # Skip the . and .. directories. if ( $thisfile =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ ) { next NAMES; } print "Recursing into $thisdir/$thisfile.\n"; checkNames("$thisdir/$thisfile"); } if ( -f $thisfile ) { if ( $thisfile =~ /[^0-9A-Za-z\-\.]/ ) { print "File $thisdir/$thisfile contains strange characters.\n"; next NAMES; } } if ( not -d $thisfile and not -f $thisfile ) { # If it isn't a file and it isn't a directory, ignore it. next NAMES; } } closedir(THISDIR); } #### $mib = 'someMibObject'; $vb = SNMP::Varbind->new([$mib]); while ( $vb->tag eq $mib ) { $var = $sess->getnext($vb); # Get the next instance. last if $sess->{ErrorNum}; # Do something with $vb->iid and/or $var } if ( $sess->{ErrorNum} ) { # We might do something more interesting than print here. } #### # Here are the ideas. Remember that $mac = 'addr' is # supposed to be part of the 'given'. My apologies if I # forgot anyone's suggestion. # # Change '00:01:02:04:08:0A' to '': $mac = '00:01:02:04:08:0A'; #### $mac =~ s/(..)(:)?/hex($1).($2?'.':'')/ge; #### $mac =~ s/([0-9A-F]+|:)/$1 eq ':' ? '.' : hex($1)/ge; #### $mac = join '.', map hex($_), split(/:/, $mac); #### Rate Shenme PodMaster My Way Shenme 38212/s -- -31% -50% PodMaster 55710/s 46% -- -28% My Way 76982/s 101% 38% -- #### # Convert any known MAC format to any other known format. sub ConvertMac($$$) { use strict; use warnings; my $mac = shift; my $form = shift; my $debug = shift; if ( $debug > 4 ) { print "\t\t\t\tConvertMac: Converting $mac to $form.\n"; } # First, convert the MAC to the common XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format. START: { # Suppose it's just flat hex? if ( $mac =~ /^$nosepmacpattern$/ ) { # Just convert it and we're done. $mac = join ':', map sprintf("%02X", ord($_)), split //, pack('H12', $mac); # We can escape, since $nosepmacpattern enforces the length, and the above formats it. last START; } # Convert dotted-decimal to hex first (ignore the dots). if ( $mac =~ /^$decmacpattern$/ ) { $mac =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf("%02X", $1)/eg; } # Now convert hex separated by anything to our standard format. $mac = join ':', map sprintf("%02X", hex($_)), split /[^[:xdigit:]]/, $mac; # Test for valid data (suppose >2 hex digits between separators or >6 items). if ( $mac !~ /^$colonmacpattern$/ ) { return('Error'); } # Don't return here, even if ( $form eq 'colon'). See below. } # Now, convert to the form requested. FINISH: { # This is the most common, so we'll put it first. if ( $form eq 'colon' ) { # Don't return here either. Look below. last FINISH; } # This is really easy. if ( $form eq 'nosep' ) { $mac =~ s/://g; $mac = lc($mac); last FINISH; } if ( $form eq 'blank' ) { $mac =~ s/:/ /g; last FINISH; } if ( $form eq 'dash' ) { $mac =~ s/:/-/g; last FINISH; } if ( $form eq 'dec' ) { $mac = join '.', map hex($_), split(/:/, $mac); last FINISH; } if ( $form eq 'invert' ) { $mac = join ':', map uc(unpack('H*', pack('b*', unpack('B*', pack('H*', $_))))), split(/:/, $mac); last FINISH; } if ( $form eq 'varcolon' ) { $mac =~ s/0([[:xdigit:]])/$1/g; $mac = lc($mac); last FINISH; } } if ( $debug > 4 ) { print "\t\t\t\t\tConvertMac: Returned value is $mac.\n"; } # Always return here so the debug stuff always runs and so if we even want to do # anything else down here, we won't circumvent it by escaping early. return($mac); }