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Re: Reusing code for Mysql and Mason Application

by Arunbear (Prior)
on Aug 06, 2004 at 21:30 UTC ( [id://380730]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Reusing code for Mysql and Mason Application

Here's my suggestion:
firstly use Class::DBI for data access:
package Currency; use base 'Class::DBI::mysql'; __PACKAGE__->set_db('Main', 'dbi:mysql:dbname', 'user', 'password'); __PACKAGE__->set_up_table("currency"); 1;
Amongst (many) other things, this gives you an easy way to retreive all records in the currency table, or to retreive a particular record given its primary key. Class::DBI has very good documentation.
Now you can use it like this in the view component:
<h3>Currencies:</h3> <table cellpadding=2> <tr id=tableheadcolor> <th>Currency</th> <th>Cid</th> </tr> % while (my $currency = $iter->next) { % $row++; % $shadetable = ($row % 3 == 0 ? q{id="shadetable"} : ""); <tr <% $shadetable %>> <td>$currency->currency</td> <td>$currency->cid</td> </tr> % } </table> <%once> use Currency; my $iter = Currency->retrieve_all; </%once> <%init> my $row=0; my $shadetable; </%init>
And like this in the form component:
<h3>Make a new currency entry</h3> <form action="comp/insert.mas?form=add_currency" method="post"> <table cellpadding=2> <tr> <td align=right>Currency:</td> <td><input name="currency" type="text" value="<% $currency_val + %>" size="5"></td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit"> </form> <& /view_currency.html &> <%args> $cid => 0 </%args> <%init> my $currency_val = ""; if($cid ) { $currency_val = Currency->retrieve($cid)->currency; } </%init>
Finally, I'd strongly suggest reading the Mason Book (the whole thing is available to read online).

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