#!/usr/bin/perl -s ## Solitaire cryptosystem: verbose version ## Ian Goldberg , 19980817 ## encrypt via something like ## perl sol.pl 'foo' vartxt/hogmanay > hogmanay.sol ## decrypt with ## perl -s sol.pl -d 'foo' hogmanay.sol > hogmanay.desol ## note the -s flag for clargs ## Make sure we have at least the key phrase argument die "Usage: $0 [-d] 'key phrase' [infile ...]\n" unless $#ARGV >= 0; ## Set the multiplication factor to -1 if "-d" was specified as an option ## (decrypt), or to 1 if not. This factor will be multiplied by the output ## of the keystream generator and added to the input (this has the effect ## of doing addition for encryption, and subtraction for decryption). $f = $d ? -1 : 1; ## Set up the deck in sorted order. chr(33) == '!' represents A of clubs, ## chr(34) == '"' represents 2 of clubs, and so on in order until ## chr(84) == 'T' represents K of spades. chr(85) == 'U' is joker A and ## chr(86) == 'V' is joker B. $D = pack('C*',33..86); ## Load the key phrase, and turn it all into uppercase $p = shift; $p =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; ## For each letter in the key phrase, run the key setup routine (which ## is the same as the keystream routine, except that $k is set to the ## value of each successive letter in the key phrase). $p =~ s/[A-Z]/$k=ord($&)-64,&e/eg; ## Stop setting up the key and switch to encrypting/decrypting mode. $k = 0; ## Collect all of the alphabetic characters (in uppercase) from the input ## files (or stdin if none specified) into the variable $o while(<>) { ## Change all lowercase to uppercase y/a-z/A-Z/; ## Remove any non-letters y/A-Z//dc; ## Append the input to $o $o .= $_; } ## If we're encrypting, append X to the input until it's a multiple of 5 chars if (!$d) { $o.='X' while length($o)%5; } ## This next line does the crypto: ## For each character in the input ($&), which is between 'A' and 'Z', ## find its ASCII value (ord($&)), which is in the range 65..90, ## subtract 13 (ord($&)-13), to get the range 52..77, ## add (or subtract if decrypting) the next keystream byte (the output of ## the function &e) and take the result mod 26 ((ord($&)-13+$f*&e)%26), ## to get the range 0..25, ## add 65 to get back the range 65..90, and determine the character with ## that ASCII value (chr((ord($&)-13+$f*&e)%26+65)), which is between ## 'A' and 'Z'. Replace the original character with this new one. $o =~ s/./chr((ord($&)-13+$f*&e)%26+65)/eg; ## If we're decrypting, remove trailing X's from the newly found plaintext $o =~ s/X*$// if $d; ## Put a space after each group of 5 characters and print the result $o =~ s/.{5}/$& /g; print "$o\n"; ## The main program ends here. The following are subroutines. ## The following subroutine gives the value of the nth card in the deck. ## n is passed in as an argument to this routine ($_[0]). The A of clubs ## has value 1, ..., the K of spades has value 52, both jokers have value 53. ## The top card is the 0th card, the bottom card is the 53rd card. sub v { ## The value of most cards is just the ASCII value minus 32. ## substr($D,$_[0]) is a string beginning with the nth card in the deck $v=ord(substr($D,$_[0]))-32; ## Special case: both jokers (53 and 54, normally) have value 53, ## so return 53 if the value is greater than 53, and the value otherwise. $v>53?53:$v; } ## The following subroutine generates the next value in the keystream. sub e { ## If the U (joker A) is at the bottom of the deck, move it to the top $D =~ s/(.*)U$/U$1/; ## Swap the U (joker A) with the card below it $D =~ s/U(.)/$1U/; ## Do the same as above, but with the V (joker B), and do it twice. $D =~ s/(.*)V$/V$1/; $D =~ s/V(.)/$1V/; $D =~ s/(.*)V$/V$1/; $D =~ s/V(.)/$1V/; ## Do the triple cut: swap the pieces before the first joker, and ## after the second joker. $D =~ s/(.*)([UV].*[UV])(.*)/$3$2$1/; ## Do the count cut: find the value of the bottom card in the deck $c=&v(53); ## Switch that many cards from the top of the deck with all but ## the last card. $D =~ s/(.{$c})(.*)(.)/$2$1$3/; ## If we're doing key setup, do another count cut here, with the ## count value being the letter value of the key character (A=1, B=2, ## etc.; this value will already have been stored in $k). After the ## second count cut, return, so that we don't happen to do the loop ## at the bottom. if ($k) { $D =~ s/(.{$k})(.*)(.)/$2$1$3/; return; } ## Find the value of the nth card in the deck, where n is the value ## of the top card (be careful about off-by-one errors here) $c=&v(&v(0)); ## If this wasn't a joker, return its value. If it was a joker, ## just start again at the top of this subroutine. $c>52?&e:$c; }