sub _attr { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; return $self->{"_$name"} unless @_; $self->{"_$name"} = shift; } sub name { shift->_attr(name => @_); } #### package Parent; use attribute sub { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; # we have an ordinary hashref for the object return \$self->{"_$name"}; }, [qw(city name)]; #### package Child; use base 'Parent'; use attribute sub { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; # object is arrayref, and the attributes are stored in element 0 return \$self->[0]->{"_$name"}; }; #### package attribute; use strict; use warnings; sub import { my ($self, $sub, $names) = @_; my $class = caller(); no strict 'refs'; # set the general method *{$class . '::_attribute_ref' } = $sub; for my $name (@$names) { my $string = $class . '::' . $name; *{$string} = sub { my $self = shift; # set method for each attribute return ${ $self->_attribute_ref($name) } unless @_; ${ $self->_attribute_ref($name) } = shift; }; } } 1;