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Tk encrypted echoing-chat client and server

by zentara (Archbishop)
on Jul 16, 2004 at 19:17 UTC ( [id://375099]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hi, I originally developed this to use in a scrabble game clone, which can be played over a network. This is just the tcp connection, and I've modified it to just run as a chat server client. It use Net::EasyTCP which supports various encryption options, and will auto-negotiate the connection depending on what encryption you have available. It supports Crypt::RSA (asymmetric public key) which is the most secure, but there is a performance hit, waiting for keys to be exchanged and setup; so I've disabled it. But feel free to test it out yourself. The symmetric encryption defaults to Crypt::Rijndael (amoung others), which also needs Crypt::CBC to run. I know Rijndael has a compiled c component, so I can't say if it will run on windows. I made it simple, so it's easy to understand, and it could be customized quite abit, like different colors for each user, file transfer, and other little details. So consider this just a "proof of concept". There is a server, which contains the user-password pairs, which must be started first. Then the clients. You can start as many as you want, but Net::EasyTCP probably has limits. I can run 4 at a time, with no problem.
SERVER: #################################################### #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Net::EasyTCP; $|=1; my $debug = 0; # set to 1 for verbose server messages local $SIG{INT} = sub { close LOG;print "Exiting\n";exit 0;}; print "Hit control-c to stop server\n"; my @nocrypt = qw(Crypt::RSA); #too slow, but more secure #my @nocompress = qw(Compress::LZF); #just testing my $host = "localhost"; my $port = "2345"; my $portpassword = "tkscrabble"; my $logdir = 'logs'; my %okusers = (user1 => '1', user2 => '2', user3 => '3', user4 => '4', test => 'test', joe => 'zzzz', ); my %clients; if (! -d $logdir) { mkdir($logdir,0755) ; print "Log directory created: $logdir\n" ; } my $logname = "port_$port-".&gettime.'.log'; #try to give a unique na +me open (LOG,">>$logdir/$logname") or die "Couldn't open port $port log: $!"; my $server = new Net::EasyTCP( host => "localhost", mode => "server", port => $port, password => $portpassword, # if using asymmetric encryption, # port password gives better security donotencryptwith => \@nocrypt, # donotencrypt => 1, # donotcompresswith => \@nocompress, # donotcompress => 1, ) || die "ERROR CREATING SERVER: $@\n"; $server->setcallback( data => \&gotdata, connect => \&connected, disconnect => \&disconnected, ) || die "ERROR SETTING CALLBACKS: $@\n"; $server->start() || die "ERROR STARTING SERVER: $@\n"; #################################################### sub gotdata() { my $client = shift; print "client->$client\n" if $debug; my $serial = $client->serial(); my $data = $client->data(); my $reply; #logon if(! defined $clients{$serial}{'username'}){ my $user = $data->{'user'}; print "user->$user\n" if $debug; my $pass = $data->{'pass'}; print "pass->$pass\n" if $debug; $reply = &process_user($user,$pass,$serial,$client); print "$reply\n" if $debug; $client->send($reply); } #logged in here print " $serial->$data\n" if $debug; print "$clients{$serial}{'username'}->$data\n" if $debug; foreach my $sernum( keys %clients){ if(defined $clients{$sernum}{'socket'}){ $clients{$sernum}{'socket'}->send("$clients{$serial}{'username'}->$dat +a\n") || die "ERROR SENDING TO CLIENT: $@\n"; } } if ($data eq "QUIT") { $client->close() || die "ERROR CLOSING CLIENT: $@\n"; } elsif ($data eq "DIE") { $server->stop() || die "ERROR STOPPING SERVER: $@\n"; } } ##################################################### sub connected() { my $client = shift; my $serial = $client->serial(); print "Client $serial just connected\n"; print LOG "Client $serial just connected at ",gettime(),"\n"; $client->send('LOGIN') || die "ERROR SENDING LOGIN TO CLIENT: $@\n"; } ################################################### sub disconnected() { my $client = shift; my $serial = $client->serial(); print "$clients{$serial}{'username'} just disconnected\n"; print LOG "$clients{$serial}{'username'} just disconnected at ",&gettime,"\n"; foreach my $sernum( keys %clients){ if(defined $clients{$sernum}{'socket'}){ $clients{$sernum}{'socket'}->send("$clients{$serial}{'username'}->Has Logged Out\n") || die "ERROR SENDING TO CLIENT: $@\n"; } } delete $clients{$serial}{'username'}; delete $clients{$serial}{'socket'}; delete $clients{$serial}; } ########################################################### sub process_user{ my ($user,$pass,$serial,$client) = @_; print "proceesing $user $pass\n" if $debug; my $reply; my $time = gettime(); if((! defined $okusers{$user}) or ($pass ne $okusers{$user})) { print LOG "BADPASSWORD $user $pass $time\n"; LOG->flush; $reply = "ERROR1: user or password id bad\n"; return $reply; } $reply = "OK-SEND->$user"; print "$reply\n"; print LOG "$reply at $time\n"; LOG->flush; $clients{$serial}{'username'} = $user; $clients{$serial}{'socket'} = $client; print "$reply\n" if $debug; return $reply; } ##################################################### sub gettime{ my $date_string = localtime; $date_string =~ tr/ /_/; return $date_string; } ######################################################3 __END__ CLIENT ##################################################### #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Net::EasyTCP; use Tk; use Tk::ROText; use IO::Select; # create the socket my $user = 'user1'; my $pass = 1; my $host = "localhost"; my $port = "2345"; my $portpassword = "tkscrabble"; my %hash; #global used for sending data my $sendmode = 0; #flag to switch between send and receive mode my $client = new Net::EasyTCP( mode => "client", host => 'localhost', port => $port, password => $portpassword ) || die "ERROR CREATING CLIENT: $@\n"; my $encrypt = $client->encryption(); my $compress = $client->compression(); my $socket = $client->socket(); my $sel = new IO::Select($socket); my $reply; my $mw = new MainWindow(-background => 'lightsteelblue'); my $rotext = $mw->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars=>'ose', -background => 'black', -foreground => 'lightyellow', )->pack; &displayit($rotext ,"encryption method ->$encrypt\ncompression method ->$compress\n"); my $ent = $mw->Entry()->pack(qw/-fill x -pady 5/); $mw->Button(-text =>'Disconnect', -command =>sub{$client->close();Tk::exit }, -background => 'pink', -activebackground => 'hotpink', )->pack(); $mw ->bind('<Any-Enter>' => sub { $ent->Tk::focus }); $ent->bind('<Return>' => [\&broadcast, $client]); $reply = $client->receive() || die "ERROR RECEIVING: $@\n"; if($reply eq 'LOGIN'){ &logon } $reply = $client->receive() || die "ERROR RECEIVING: $@\n"; $mw->repeat(11, sub { while($sel->can_read(.01)) { my $reply = $client->receive(); &displayit($rotext, $reply); } }); MainLoop; ############################################################## sub broadcast { my ($ent, $client) = @_; my $text = $ent->get; $ent->delete(qw/0 end/); $client->send($text); } ############################################################## sub displayit { my ($rotext,$data) = @_; $rotext->insert('end',$data); $rotext->see('end'); } ############################################################### sub logon{ # this section checks user and password # it exits when an OK-SEND-> is received while(1){ $hash{'user'} = $user; $hash{'pass'} = $pass; my $reply = &sendhash(); print "$reply\n"; if($reply =~ /^OK-SEND->(.*)/){last} } } ############################################################### ################################################################# sub sendhash{ $client->send(\%hash) || die "ERROR SENDING: $@\n"; my $reply = $client->receive() || die "ERROR RECEIVING: $@\n"; return $reply; } ################################################################ __END__

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