in reply to Programming is combat

Our platoon had been in directory for six months. We got orders from the kernel to proceed to the ../combatzone. We went into the code jungle. Corporal Lint was walking point, but we had air support from the 111th ddd division.

Suddenly, the bugs were all around us--they'd been hiding in a thick growth of inodes, wearing special dot-camoflauge so they looked like "." and ".." Private A. Out took the first hit, a segmentation fault that, as is so often the case, proved immediately fatal. Our group started losing morale, and we started to retreat, but ahead we saw the sign:

use warnings; 1 km

use strict; 1.1 km

Lieutanant Perl took command, and led us to safety through the binary jungle. Soon, we had our casualties safely under the care of the Perldoc, and were busy splaining the problems we'd encountered in the operation. Because of his quick thinking, the lieutenant was promoted to 6.0
