#!perl -slw use strict; use threads qw[ async ]; use threads::shared; our $WORKMAX ||= 1_000; ## A shared var to communicate progess between work thread and TK my $progress : shared = 0; sub work{ for my $item ( 0 .. $WORKMAX ) { { lock $progress; $progress = ( $item / $WORKMAX ) * 100; } select undef, undef, undef, 0.001; ## do stuff that takes time } } threads->new( \&work )->detach; ## For lowest memory consumption require (not use) ## Tk::* after you've started the work thread. require Tk::ProgressBar; my $mw = MainWindow->new; my $pb = $mw->ProgressBar()->pack(); my $repeat; $repeat = $mw->repeat( 100 => sub { print $progress; $repeat->cancel if $progress == 100; $pb->value( $progress ) } ); $mw->MainLoop;