$CGI::POST_MAX If set to a non-negative integer, this variable puts a ceiling on the size of POSTings ... An attempt to send a POST larger than $POST_MAX bytes will cause param() to return an empty CGI parameter list. You can test for this event by checking cgi_error(), #### METHOD: { # avoid unreasonably large postings if (($POST_MAX > 0) && ($content_length > $POST_MAX)) { # quietly read and discard the post my $buffer; my $max = $content_length; while ($max > 0 && (my $bytes = $MOD_PERL ? $self->r->read($buffer,$max < 10000 ? $max : 10000) : read(STDIN,$buffer,$max < 10000 ? $max : 10000) )) { $self->cgi_error("413 Request entity too large"); last METHOD; } } #### if (($POST_MAX > -1 ) && ($content_length > $POST_MAX))