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Re: Determine volume size on Windows

by meetraz (Hermit)
on Jun 16, 2004 at 00:29 UTC ( [id://367091]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Determine volume size on Windows

I recommend the Win32::DirSize module, by yours truly. It was written to calculate directory sizes, but handles whole drives as well. Here's a sample:

use strict; use Win32::DirSize; my $DiskInfo; # this stores the disk information my $Result = disk_space( "C:", $DiskInfo, ); if ($Result == DS_RESULT_OK) { my ($DiskSizeUnit, $DiskFreeUnit, $QuotaFreeUnit); my ($ConvDiskDize, $ConvDiskFree, $ConvQuotaFree); $ConvDiskDize = best_convert( $DiskSizeUnit, $DiskInfo->{HighTotalBytes}, $DiskInfo->{LowTotalBytes}, ); $ConvDiskFree = best_convert( $DiskFreeUnit, $DiskInfo->{HighFreeBytes}, $DiskInfo->{LowFreeBytes}, ); $ConvQuotaFree = best_convert( $QuotaFreeUnit, $DiskInfo->{HighQuotaBytes}, $DiskInfo->{LowQuotaBytes}, ); print "Disk Size = $ConvDiskDize $DiskSizeUnit \n"; print "Disk Free = $ConvDiskFree $DiskFreeUnit \n"; print "Quota Free = $ConvQuotaFree $QuotaFreeUnit \n"; }

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