in reply to Re^4: USB Drive Letter Assignment in Win32
in thread USB Drive Letter Assignment in Win32

From the information at the Roth site, you will need probably two calls, 
GetDrives to get an array of all drives and GetVolumeInfo. (sorry not GetVolume)

This will return an array of drive roots. If no parameters are passed then the list will be all drives 
(cdroms, floppy, fixed, net, etc.).
If you specify $Type the list will only contain drive roots
 that are of the specified type.
The types are:



@Drives = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDrives();
@CDROMs = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDrives( DRIVE_CDROM );

nothing if unsuccessful
array if successful

GetVolumeInfo( $Drive )
This will return a hash of drive volume information for the $Drive drive. 
$Drive must be a root directory such as "c:\\" or "X:/". $Drive may be a UNC.
Returned keys are:

$Volume...............The volume label for the drive.
$Serial...............The serial number for the drive (in decimal)
$MaxFileNameLength....The max number of chars a file name can be for drive.
SystemFlag...........System flags which can be combination of:

FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED....The case of filenames are stored on the disk.
(for example DOS makes file names uppercase)
FS_CASE_SENSITIVE ......File system supports case sensitive filenames.
FS_UNICODE_STORED_ON_DISK...File system supports unicode filenames.
FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS......File System saves and enforces access control
lists (aka file permissions)
FS_FILE_COMPRESSION ....File system supports file based compression.
FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED....Volume is compressed (as in using DoubleSpace).

$::ThisPageSystemName.......The name of the format of the drive (eg. NTFS, FAT)


if( %Volume = Win32::AdminMisc::GetVolume("//server1/c\$") )
    my $Serial = uc( sprintf( "%x", $Volume{Serial} ) );
    $Serial =~ s/(....)(....)/$1-$2/;
    print "The drive is formatted with the $Volume{FileSystemName} format.\n";
    print "The volume serial number is: $Serial\n%quot;;


 hash if successful
 undef if not successful