Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info

This program is intended to be used as a procmail filter. It accepts e-mail from the internet, finds the SprintPCS Picture Share and uploads the first picture it finds as your monkpic. The program requires a small amount configuration - you must add a line after the __DATA__ marker to indicate the e-mail address to expect messages from and then your username and password. This is designed to allow multiple users to be served by the same script so if you can't run this locally I can be a gateway for you. Send me a message if you're interested.

The image fetching portion of the code is separated from the image uploading portion so someone could rewrite it for the other services as well.

# Add to your .procmailrc


# Add to your .procmail/rc.picturemail

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::Internet ();
use MIME::Parser ();
use WWW::Mechanize ();
use Archive::Zip ();
use File::Spec ();
use File::Slurp ();
use IO::Handle ();
use Image::Magick::Thumbnail ();
use File::MMagic ();
use Mail::Sendmail ();
use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';

$PIXELS = 500;

exit main( );

sub main
    my $fh = slurp_to_string( \*STDIN );
    my ( $username, $password,
     $sendfrom, $sendto ) = match_pm_user( $fh, [ <DATA> ] );
    my $nm = get_sprint_image( $fh );
    if ( $sendfrom ne $SENDFROM )
    die "$sendfrom ne $SENDFROM";

    if ( $sendto ne $SENDTO )
    die "$sendto ne $SENDTO";

    resize_image( $nm );
    authenticate_to_perlmonks( username => $username,
                   password => $password )
    or die "Couldn't authenticate ($username, $password)";

    upload_image_to_perlmonks( username => $username,
                   filename => $nm )
    or die "Couldn't upload image ($username, $nm)";

    announce_image( $username );

sub announce_image
    $PM_BROWSER->get( "$PERLMONKS/?node=ad_and_talk;displaytype=raw" )
    $PM_BROWSER->field( 'message', "/me just uploaded a new monkpic" )

sub resize_image
    my $name = shift;
    my $img = Image::Magick->new;
    $img->Read( $name );
    my ($thumb, $x, $y ) = Image::Magick::Thumbnail::create( $img, $PI
+XELS );
    $thumb->Write( $name );

sub match_pm_user
    my $fh = shift;
    my @users = @{ shift() };
    my $user = quotemeta mail_from( $fh );
    split ' ', ( grep s/^$user\s+//i, @users )[0]

sub mail_from
    my $fh = shift;
    $fh->seek( 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET );
    my $from = Mail::Internet->new( $fh )->head->header_hashref->{'Fro
    $from =~ s/\s+//g;

sub slurp_to_string
    my $fh = shift;
    local $/;
    local $,;
    local $;;
    my $str;
    open my $ofh, "+>:raw", \ $str or die $!;
    $ofh->print( <$fh> );
    $ofh->seek( 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET );

sub authenticate_to_perlmonks
    my %p = @_;
    $PM_BROWSER = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    $PM_BROWSER->form_name( 'login' );
    $PM_BROWSER->set_fields( user =>   $p{'username'},
                 passwd => $p{'password'} );
    !! $PM_BROWSER->find_link( text_regex => qr/log.+?out/ );

sub upload_image_to_perlmonks
    my %p = @_;

    my $magic = File::MMagic->new->checktype_filename( $p{'filename'} 
    $PM_BROWSER->get( "$PERLMONKS/?node=$p{'username'};displaytype=edi
+t" );
    $PM_BROWSER->form_number( 2 );
    my $widget = $PM_BROWSER->current_form->find_input( 'imgsrc_file' 
    $widget->file( $p{'filename'} );
    $widget->filename( $p{'filename'} );
    $widget->headers( 'Content-Type' => $magic );
    $PM_BROWSER->click->content =~ /Received \d+ bytes/;

sub get_sprint_image
    my $fh = shift;
    my $zfile = Archive::Zip::tempFile( File::Spec->tmpdir );
    my $ifile = Archive::Zip::tempFile( File::Spec->tmpdir );
    File::Slurp::write_file( $zfile,
                 { binmode => 1,
                   buf_ref => get_sprint_zip( $fh ) } );
    my $zip = Archive::Zip->new( $zfile );
    my $magic = File::MMagic->new;
    my $ok;
    for my $name ( $zip->memberNames )
    $zip->extractMember( $name, $ifile );
    my $type = $magic->checktype_filename( $ifile );
    if ( $type =~ /^image\/(?:png|gif|jpeg)/ )
        $ok = 1;
    unlink $zfile or die $!;
    $ok ? $ifile : ();

sub get_sprint_zip
    my $fh = shift;
    my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    # Get the URL from the text portion of the email.
    my $url = ( ${get_text_from_email( $fh )}
        =~ m((\Q\E\S+)) )[0];
    my $page = $browser->get( $url );
    # Get the next URL from inside the JavaScript
    $url = unpack "N/a*",
    ( sort { $b cmp $a }
      map pack( "N/a*", $_),
      $page->content =~ m((\Q\E[^\'\"]+)
+)g )[0];
    $browser->get( $url );
    # Authenticate that the 
    $page = $browser->follow_link( url_regex => qr/comment/ );
    $url = unpack "N/a*",
    ( sort { $b cmp $a }
      map pack( "N/a*", $_),
      $page->content =~ m((\Q\E[^\'\"]+)
+)g )[0];
    $page = $browser->get( $url );
    $SENDTO = ( map +( /\bvalue\s*=\s*([\'\"])(.+?)\1/ && $2 ),
        grep /\bname\s*=\s*([\'\"]).+?\1/ && $& =~ /\bemail\b/,
        $page->content =~ m(<input[^>]+)g )[0];
    $SENDFROM = ( $page->content =~ m/addGuest\("(.+?)"/g )[0];
    $SENDFROM =~ s/\|$//;
    # Now hit the javascript:download() action which is really just
    # a document.listForm.submit(); This returns a .ZIP file containin
    # a higher resolution picture image.
    $page = $browser->submit_form( form_name => 'listForm' );
    my $zip_file = \ $page->content;

sub get_text_from_email
    my $fh = shift;
    $fh->seek( 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET );
    my $p = MIME::Parser->new;
    my $e = $p->parse( $fh );
    \ join( '',
        map $_->stringify_body,
        grep $_->mime_type =~ m(text/plain),
        $e->parts );

# One line per user, each field is separated by white space.
# 1: the address to be matched against From: from the email
# 2: URI encoded username
# 3: URI encoded password
# 4: the address to validate on the web page - typically the same as #
# 5: the address the message is expected to have been sent to

__DATA__ username password