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dReKurCe's scratchpad

by dReKurCe (Scribe)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 15:07 UTC ( [id://360195]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Posted 16:34 est 130307
sub new { my $self={}; $self->{o}="ngeterr.log"; $self->{a}=undef; $self->{i}={[(110,FB),(100,F)]}; $self->{F}=undef; $self->{B}=$url; bless $self,ngetlogstdin; return $self; } sub access { $self=shift; $arg=shift; print $arg; return $self->{$arg}; }
Tue Dec 6 13:22:32 EST 2005
<br> #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my (%inf,%dir,@info,@keys,@philes,$phile,$key,$value,$dir,$info,$stat) +; use Cwd; $dir=Cwd->getcwd(); opendir(DIR,"$dir")or die "@!"; while ( $phile=readdir(DIR)){ if($phile=~/^\.$/){next;} elsif($phile=~/^\.\.$/){next;} elsif($phile=~/^(.*)$/){ info($phile); for $stat(keys %inf){ $dir{$phile}{$stat}=$inf{$stat}; } } ophile($phile); oinfo(); } sub info{ @info=stat($phile); @keys=qw(Dev Inode Mode Link UID GID RDev Size ATime MTime CTime Blks +ize Blocks); @inf{@keys}=@info; } sub ophile{ print "\nFILE:$phile\n-----------\n"; } sub oinfo{ for $value(keys %inf){ print "$value -> $inf{$value}\n"; } }
Mon Aug 1 23:16:15 EDT 2005
<br> #!/usr/bin/perl #code with warnings use warnings; #scoping use strict; # load modules for capture(); use Crypt::SSLeay; use LWP::UserAgent; #declre global variables; my ($file,$choice, $correct,$curr_status,$octetone,$octettwo,$octetthr +ee,$octetfour, $ipmin, $ipmax,$addy,$title); #shouts system("clear"); print "Welcome to IP Sniffer\n"; print "Coded by neutrin0 && Cyn1c4L\n"; print "Sh0utz (neutrin0): m1ndctrl,AJK,rustblade, jimmiejaz, hypatia, +Phoenix ,perl monks,, #to2600 cr3w!\n"; print "Sh0utz (Cyn1c4L): Rustblade, AJK, Intruder, H0lli/IO (bwahahaha +ha, let's get serious), Distrust, Hypatia, #hackcanada, #to2600 cr3w! +\n";print "neutrin0 and Cyn1c4L";print "\n";sleep(3);#collect ip info +rmationwhile ($correct == 0){system("clear");#this variable is used t +o display current status$curr_status = "x.x.x.y-z\n";#Prompts for oct +et-sequence one octet at a timeprint $curr_status;print "Please Enter + First Octet: ";$octetone = <STDIN>;chop $octetone;#Clears the screen +system("clear");$curr_status = "$octetone.x.x.y-z\n";print $curr_stat +us; print "Please Enter Second Octet: "; $octettwo = <STDIN>; system("clear"); $curr_status ="$octetone.$octettwo.x.y-z\n"; print $curr_status; print "Please Enter Third Octet: "; $octetthree = <STDIN>; chop $octetthree; system("clear"); $curr_status ="$octetone.$octettwo.$octetthree.y-z\n"; print $curr_status; print "Please Enter Scan Beginning Range: "; $ipmin = <STDIN>; chop $ipmin; print "Please Enter Scan Ending Range: "; $ipmax = <STDIN>; chop $ipmax; system("clear"); #BASS $curr_status ="$octetone.$octettwo.$octetthree.$ipmin-$ipmax\n"; print $curr_status; print "Is This Correct? (Y/N) "; $correct = <STDIN>; if ($correct=~/y|Y/){ $correct = 1; }else{ $correct = 0; }} $addy=$curr_status; iterate($addy, $ipmin, $ipmax); sub iterate{ #declare local target ip and range iterator my ($ipscan, $x); #mathch and capture octets $addy=~/^(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*).(.*)$/; for $x(($ipmin-1)...($ipmax-1)){ $x++; $ipscan="$1.$2.$3.$x"; print "Scanning $ipscan\n"; capture($ipscan,$addy); }} sub capture{ #create a local instance of $addy my $ipscan; ($ipscan,$addy)= shift @_; $addy="http://".$ipscan; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout('15'); my $response = $ua->get($addy); if ($response->is_success) { my $page=$response->content; captured($page,$addy); }else{ print " $addy fails \n" ; }} sub captured{ my ($page,$addy) =shift @_; my $line; my $title; my @lines=split /\n/, $page; for $line(@lines){ if ($line=~/\<TITLE\>(.*)\<\/TITLE\>/mig){ $title=$1; }} print " $title\n"; } #logpage($addy,$title); #logbcm($addy,$title)}; sub logpage{ ($addy,$title)=pop @_; print "$addy"; print "$title\n"; print "Logging address...\n"; my $file="phoenix"; open(LOG,">>$file")or die "Could not open LOG file:$!"; print LOG "$addy:$title "or die "Could not write to LOG file";; }
Thu Jul 14 14:15:37 EDT 2005
#! /usr/bin/perl @args=qw(wget -q -O todaysip; system (@args); open (SMIP,"todaysip"); while (<SMIP>){ $line=$_; if ($line=~/^\<HTML\>\<HEAD\><TITLE\>(.*)$/){ scrape($line); }} sub scrape{ $ip=$_; $ip=~/((\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*))/; print "$1\n"; } close(SMIP); system ("rm todaysip");
Thu Jun 2 14:02:04 EDT 2005
#! /usr/bin/perl ############################# # HaCkEr CaSe sCrIpT:AmAzE # # YoUr FrIeNds WiTh YoUr # # SuPeRiOr TyPiNg # # CaPtuRe tO PhIlE wItH > # ############################# # insert phile here # open (FILE, "+< /darkphiber/japh/" ); ############################# while (<FILE>){ $line=$_; @letters=split //,$line; foreach $letter(@letters){ if (defined $letter){ $i=++$i; $case =$i/2; if($case=~m/(\d)*(\.)+/g){caseup($letter)} elsif($case=~m/(\d)*[^\.]+/g){casedown($letter)} } }} sub caseup{ shift ; $letter=uc $letter; print "$letter"; } sub casedown{ shift; $letter=lc $letter; print "$letter" }
Wed June 1 16:20:42 EDT 2005
#! /usr/bin/perl #FTP for seCr33n CaPtu7e fetch # #Authored:/home/japh #% whoami #dReKurCe # #Wed Jun 1 17:59:36 EDT 2005 use Net::FTP; $hostname=''; $username=''; $hack_the_planet='irc me'; #update by OM Tue May 31 17:15:45 EDT 2005 $home='/home/neutrin0/2600'; #print "Fetch what phile?\n"; $filename="neutrin0.to2600.3105a.jpg"; # open conection to $ftp=Net::FTP->new($hostname); $ftp->login($username,$hack_the_planet); print "Current Listing of $username"; @dirlisting=$ftp->ls(),"\n"; print ">>>>>@dirlisting<<<<<<"; atomize(@dirlisting); $ftp->quit; sub atomize{ @philes=@_; print "++++@philes\n"; for $screencapture(@philes){$ftp->get( $screencapture);} }


Here's a program that will list all man pages as well as Module Documentation

#! /usr/bin/perl -w $manpage=pop @ARGV; $manpath="/usr/share/man/"; opendir(MANPATH, "$manpath") || die "foo bar: $! "; @files= readdir MANPATH; for $file0(@files){ if ($file0=~m/man(.)/){ opendir (MANX ,"$manpath$file0"); @files1=readdir (MANX); for $nest (@files1){ if ($nest=~m/$manpage(.*)/){ $mandir=$file0; @path=($mandir,$nest); push @path0, [@path]; } $lengh=@path0; } } } for ( $i=0 ;$i < $lengh;$i++ ){ $mand=$path0[$i][0]; $manpage0=$path0[$i][1]; print "$i) $manpage0 in $mand\n"; } print "Access which document?\n"; $docq=<STDIN>; chop $docq; $doc="$manpath$path0[$docq][0]/$path0[$docq][1]"; print "===Accessing $docq) $doc===\n"; print "\n"; system ( "less" ,$doc); EOF: { print"=======THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION=======\n"; print"===========IN TODAYS PENGUIN TUTORIAL =======\n"; print"=========== X to shell out =============\n"; print"=========== M to list docs =============\n"; print"==============================================\n"; $continue=<STDIN>; chop $continue; if ($continue eq "x"){ exec ("/bin/bash"); }elsif($continue eq "m"){ system ("clear"); print "==**THIS FEATURE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT***===\n"; print "==-- RUN manpl AGAIN--===\n"; goto EOF; }else{ print "\t Ambiguous Selection\n\n"; } }
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