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Intrepid's scratchpad

by Intrepid (Deacon)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 13:48 UTC ( [id://360135]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    # Now set the remaining arguments depending on which SHELL we
    # are going to use.  COMSPEC (assumed to be or
       __.DIVSEP-sh-yes *:= \\\
       __.DIVSEP-sh-no  *:= \\
  2. or download this
    +$YIKES -le \
    '$iu=$ENV{YIKES}; for (split q[,],$iu) { printf qq[macros %s: %s\n], $
    +_, $$_ }'
  3. or download this
    Script started on Thu, 08 Nov, 2012  5:46:16 AM
    Failed 2/9 test programs. 3/39 subtests failed.
    dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic'
  4. or download this
    declare -x PLV_STRING
    function perl_v_in_use
  5. or download this
    use File::stat;
    my @alog =
          map { [ stat($_)->mtime , $_ ] }
           grep {-s && -r}
                  bsd_glob(Global_tf . $fileglobbing_patt, GLOB_TILDE|GLOB
  6. or download this
    use File::stat ();
        [ ... ]
           grep {-s && -r}
                  bsd_glob(Global_tf . $fileglobbing_patt, GLOB_TILDE|GLOB
  7. or download this
    use strict;
    use Proc::ProcessTable;
    for (my $num=1; $num < @flname; ++$num) {
        printf qq[%u : %s\n], $num, $flname[$num];
  8. or download this
    1 : uid
    2 : pid
    3 : ppid
    7 : start
    8 : ttynum
    9 : state
  9. or download this
    use Proc::ProcessTable;
     $FORMAT = "%-6s %-10s %-8s %-24s %s\n";
              $p->cmndline    # NOPE!
  10. or download this
        sub weirdnessFILE
                  $FILE_name_from_perl = substr(
                    $FILE_name_from_perl , rindex($FILE_name_from_perl,q[ 
    +]) + 1)
  11. or download this
    # YAML 1.1:
                           'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS' => ''
  12. or download this
         print STDERR Dump([q[BaseDirectorySpec]=> $listing]);
         print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$listing],[q/BaseDirectorySpec/]
  13. or download this
        $(LDLIBPTH) $(RUN) ./miniperl$(HOST_EXE_EXT) -w -Ilib -MExporter -
    +e '<?>' || $(MAKE) minitest
  14. or download this
       -e '<?>'
  15. or download this
        $(LDLIBPTH) $(RUN) ./miniperl$(HOST_EXE_EXT) -w -Ilib -MExporter\
      -e '$$al=eval q|<?akefil?>|; if ((not $$@) and $$al){ \
     -e q|t| and printf qq[%s\n], qq[Ok to `make minitest`]; exit 0 } exit
    + 1' || $(MAKE) minitest
  16. or download this
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/amphibole/SRC.BUILD/RECHK/perl-5.12.3 /home/amph
    +ibole/SRC.BUILD/RECHK/perl-5.12.3/preload /home/amphibole/SRC.BUILD/R
    +ECHK/perl-5.12.3/  ./miniperl -w -Ilib -MExporter\
      -e '$al=eval q|<?akefil?>|; if ((not $@) and $al){ \
     -e q|t| and printf qq[%s\n], qq[Ok to `make minitest`]; exit 0 } exit
    + 1' || make minitest
  17. or download this
    /bin/pwd: couldn't find directory entry in `..' with matching i-node
    Can't locate DBIx/ in @INC
     [THIS MAY BE A PROBLEM!] at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.2/CPANPLUS/Internals.
    +pm line 204
    [ERROR] Could not load source engine 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQL
  18. or download this
    # script by somian (Sören Andersen)
    use strict;
    printf "%s\n", $_->as_string for @M;
  19. or download this
    perl -MYAML=Dump -MCPANPLUS::Backend -le \
     -e  'for($c->conf)  { print Dump(@$_) for $_->conf->{hosts} }'
  20. or download this
    - host:
      path: /pub/CPAN/
    - host:
      path: /pub/languages/perl/CPAN/
      scheme: ftp
  21. or download this
    Bad file descriptor open3: exec of
       /usr/bin/sudo PERL5LIB="/opt/cpan-installed/perl/lib/perl5:/opt/cpa
         /usr/bin/make install
    failed at /opt/cpan-installed/perl/lib/perl5/IPC/ line 505
  22. or download this
    United States:
  23. or download this
    package HTML::Element;
    sub that_is_empty {
  24. or download this
    sub somian_paths2tree
            while ( $n_repls );
  25. or download this
    perl \
      -e 'chomp (my(@sn)=(`uname -m`, `uname -s`));' \
      -e 'my $crv=<$scf>; close $scf;' \
      -e '$crv=~m/[ ]version[ ]([^ ,]{1,4})/ && (push @sn, "gnu_libc_v$1")
    + }' \
      -e 'printf "%s\n", join q/_/=> map{"\L$_"}@sn;'
  26. or download this
    function dump_arch_dep
        if [[ -n $Discovered_GLIBC ]]; then dump_arch_dep $Discovered_GLIB
    +C; fi
  27. or download this
      $ find /dev/disk/by-uuid -lname '*/sdb?' -printf '%l %f\n'|sed 's:^\
  28. or download this
    [[ ":$PATH:" == *:$dir:* ]] && PATH="$dir:$PATH "
  29. or download this
    In Windows we see 5B76039A52D8 in the raw USB storage device described
    + as:
      \Device\0000009d = USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_Kingston&Prod_DataTraveler_2.0&R
    In Windows we see 5B76039A52D8 in the Disk Volume device described by:
    \Device\HarddiskVolume9 = STORAGE#Volume#1&19f7e59c&0&_??_USBSTOR#Disk
  30. or download this
    *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.030
    *** Checking for Perl dependencies...
    - Pod::Simple               ...loaded. (3.040)
    - File::Spec                ...missing. (would need 3.19)
  31. or download this
    Trying to open a subshell in the build directory...
    Fetching with LWP:
    panic: MUTEX_LOCK (45) [pad.c:1356] at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8/
    +cygwin/Term/ReadLine/ line 680.
    panic: MUTEX_LOCK (45) [op.c:354] at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8/cy
    +gwin/Term/ReadLine/ line 680.
  32. or download this
    perltest () 
        return 0
  33. or download this
    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
    # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
    # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
        } #**** E O S ****
  34. or download this
      use constant eXEO   # the object created from the main src module.
          => quotemeta q/a-visprint\$(EXEEXT)/;
          => quotemeta q/alpha-visprint.o/;
      my $r_exeo = eval { "qr{".eXEO() ."}" };
      my $r_exef = eval { "qr{".eXEF() ."}" };
  35. or download this
    "\\DosDevices\\C:" = 5d e2 5d e2 00 7e 00 00 00 00 00 00
    "\\DosDevices\\E:" = 5d e2 5d e2 00 40 11 95 04 00 00 00
    "\\DosDevices\\F:" = 05 e6 5e 09 00 7e 00 00 00 00 00 00
    "\\DosDevices\\S:" = 5d e2 5d e2 00 7c f3 0a 04 00 00 00
  36. or download this
    use strict;
    use Tk;
    exit 0;
  37. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # Last MODIFIED: Mon Aug 11 12:34:52 UTC 2008
    $pixframe->pack(); MainLoop;
    exit 0;
  38. or download this
    sh-prompt $ perl -MText::Wrap='wrap,$columns' \
       -MText::Textile=textile \
       -lp000we \
       'INIT{$columns=78} s{\cM?\cJ} [ ]g;
        $_=wrap(q[],q[   ],textile($_)).$\;' DRAFT.TMP
  39. or download this
    package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config;
  40. or download this
    set bell-style none
    "\e[F": end-of-line
    "\e[7~": beginning-of-line
    "\e[8~": end-of-line
  41. or download this
    $ cpan-precheck
    "/usr/local/buildstuff/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY" was last MODIFIED: F
    +ri Sep 10 07:46:50 2004
    ...                        9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok                        9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
  42. or download this
    :: Run Gvim as source viewer from Opera, with our preferences loaded a
    +s they
    START /D%STIN% C:\AdditionalPrograms\vim6\vim63\gvim.exe -U %MyHome%/A
    +PPLIC~1/Vim/_creamrc -c ":colorscheme Autumn | cd %STIN%" %1
  43. or download this
       open (OUTFILE,">dll.def");
       print OUTFILE "EXPORTS\n";
       nm file.dll > dll.fil
  44. or download this
    #! /usr/bin/perl
    # - show that some code is b0rken.
  45. or download this
    2004.Dec.17 $ h2xs -XAn Term::VTxxx::ColorTweak
    Writing Term/VTxxx/ColorTweak/
    Writing Term/VTxxx/ColorTweak/
    Writing Term/VTxxx/ColorTweak/Changes
    Writing Term/VTxxx/ColorTweak/MANIFEST
  46. or download this
    " File First created: 28 Nov 2004 17:15:08 EST
    " File Last MODIFIED: 28 Nov 2004 17:49:18
    "    append( My_CLine, strpart(My_Text, 
  47. or download this
      sub hIppO        {
           my %nonStyle = { "BACKGROUND" => "background-image"
           return ($hsd,$ila);
  48. or download this
    perl -MCPAN -le 'CPAN::Config->init;$fulp=$INC{q[CPAN/]}; pri
    +ntf qq[%-72s %o\n],$fulp,((stat $fulp)[2]& 07777 )'
  49. or download this
         my @Str = map { my $wholho=$_;
                     s#^( (?:ht|f)tp:// )
                        ( [^/]+ )/.*$ #$2#x;
                 [ $_,$wholho ]
                      }  @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}};
  50. or download this
        my $m_l_p = stat($mirr_list_file_path);
  51. or download this
    use warnings;
    use strict;
  52. or download this
    use warnings;
    use strict;
  53. or download this
    #! /usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    print STDOUT 'Part 3:', join(qq[\n], @$postD, q[]);
    exit 0;

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