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naChoZ's scratchpad

by naChoZ (Curate)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 12:21 UTC ( [id://360093]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

" " {{{ info " " $Id: .vimrc,v 1.12 2005/04/12 12:17:49 aharriso Exp aharriso $ " " Installed Plugins: " " Align " Buffer Explorer " cvscommand " dbext " DrawIt " EnhancedCommentify " perl-support " project " taglist " winfileexplorer " winmanager " VimNotes " " Plugin Dependencies: " multvals " netrw " " For more tips, check out Leonid's page: " " " }}} " {{{ general mappings " conveniences noremap <F10> :wincmd H<CR> noremap <S-F10> :wincmd H<CR>:wincmd <Bar><CR>:wincmd _<CR> noremap <F11> :wincmd p<CR> noremap <C-Tab> :wincmd w<CR> noremap <C-S-Tab> :wincmd W<CR> nmap <Tab> :wincmd w<CR> nmap <S-Tab> :wincmd W<CR> noremap <C-F11> :wincmd _<CR> noremap <F12> :windo wincmd K<CR> noremap <S-F12> :wincmd =<CR> noremap <C-F12> :wincmd K<CR> map <S-space> <esc> map zz za " open error window map <silent> <F6> :copen<CR> " }}} " {{{ settings " " {{{ Vim filetype on syn on " syntax highlighting on cwindow 30 " size of error window set nocp " 'compatible' is not set set ic " ignore case set bs=2 " allow backspacing over e +verything in insert mode set ai " always set autoindenting + on set si " smart indent on set indentkeys="0{,0},:,!^F,o,O,e" " default, but without 0# set cinw+=# " so 'smart' indent won't +start # at column 1. :( set sta " smart tab on set sts=4 " set soft tab stop (use s +ame value as tabstop) set nobackup " do not keep a backup fil +e, use versions instead set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command + line history set ruler " show the cursor position + all the time set sbr=\ \ \ \ ---> " showbreak string display +ed when linewrapping set ts=4 " set tabstops to 4 spaces set sw=4 " set shiftwidth to 4 spac +es set sr " round indent, uses tabst +ops for ctrl-d and ctrl-t set et " expand tabs to spaces set tw=60 " textwidth to 60 set showcmd " show partial commands set esckeys " allow arrow keys in inse +rt mode set showmatch " show matching brackets set nohlsearch " don't highlight search p +atterns set incsearch " search while typing set magic " regexp chars have specia +l meaning set ttyfast " Smoother changes set nostartofline " Keep cursor on same colu +mn when doing page movement set report=0 " show report on changes t +o file, 0 means all changes set wmnu " turn on wildmenu set wildchar=<Tab> " Character for wildmenu c +ompletion set ww=<,>,h,l " whichwrap keys set nobackup " don't create backup file +s set formatoptions=acroq " format comments related +to text width set commentstring=#\ %s " comment string for creat +ing new folds with zf set comments+=b:-- " add the comment leader f +or .sql files set foldcolumn=2 " width of foldcolumn set matchpairs+=<:> " add another matched pair + of characters set stl=%m%t\ %<\ \ %=%-10.20((%l,%c)%)\ buffer\ =\ [%-3.4n]%-r%6.6y " + statusline "set shortmess=lnrxI " brief messages, don't sh +ow intro set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo fi +le, don't store more " than 50 lines of registe +rs " my common tags file set tags+=/usr/home/ajharrison/.vim/commontags " Folding configuration set foldmethod=marker " Edit and uncomment next line if you want non-default marker " set foldmarker="[[[,]]]" set foldlevel=0 " " }}} " {{{ Align.vim " " extra mapping for Hash alignment: " " foo => "bar", " myfoo => "mybar", " " map <silent> <Leader>th \WS:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l = +> <CR>:'a,.Align<CR>\WE " vmap <silent> <Leader>th :<BS><BS><BS><CR>ma'>\th vm <Leader>th :<BS><BS><BS><CR>ma'><Leader>th no <Leader>th :AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l<CR>:'a,.Align =><CR> no <Leader>tas :AlignCtrl mI=lp1P1<CR>:'a,.Align AS<CR> vm <silent> <Leader>tas :<BS><BS><BS><CR>ma'><Leader>tas " " }}} " {{{ perl-support.vim " let g:Perl_AuthorName = "Andy Harrison" let g:Perl_AuthorRef = "" let g:Perl_Email = "" let g:Perl_Company = "GWI" let g:Perl_Project = "" let g:Perl_CopyrightHolder = "" let g:Perl_LoadMenus = "yes" " Insert header into new Perl files " if has("autocmd") autocmd BufNewFile *.\(pl\|pm\) call Perl_CommentTemplates( +'header') endif " has("autocmd") set makeprg=$VIMRUNTIME/tools/\ -c\ %\ $* set errorformat=%f:%l:%m " " }}} " {{{ project.vim " let g:proj_window_width = 40 " Default project wi +ndow width let g:proj_flags = "imstcb" let g:proj_window_increment = 75 nmap <silent> <F4> <Plug>ToggleProject " (below is for when I'm using a " term with a weird termcap) map [14~ :Project<CR> map OS :Project<CR> " " }}} " {{{ dbext.vim " let g:dbext_default_profile_PGSQL_generic = 'type=PGSQL:user=ajharri +son:pass=foo:dbname=testcheck:host=localhost:port=5432' let g:dbext_default_buffer_lines = 20 let g:dbext_default_display_cmd_line = 1 " " }}} " {{{ drchip.vim " " Prevent DrChip from creating a new top level menu " let g:DrChipTopLvlMenu = "P&lugin.DrChip." " " }}} " {{{ bufexplorer.vim " nnoremap <silent> <F8> :VSBufExplorer<CR> map <c-w><c-b> :GotoBufExplorerWindow<CR> map <c-w><c-f> :GotoFileExplorerWindow<CR +> " " }}} " {{{ winmanager.vim " map <F2> :WMToggle<CR> let g:favDirs = '/usr/home/ajharrison/.vim/plugin'."\n". '/usr/downlo +ad'."\n". '/usr/home/ajharrison/stuff/scripts'."\n". '/usr/local/bin +'."\n". '/usr/local/www'."\n" . '/usr/home/ajharrison/bin'."\n" . '/u +sr/home/ajharrison/GNUstep' " " }}} " {{{ taglist.vim " " map <F3> :Tlist<CR> nnoremap <silent> <F3> :Tlist<CR> nmap <silent> <F9> :exe ":ptag ".expand("<cwo +rd>")<CR> imap <silent> <F9> <Esc>:exe ":ptag ".expand( +"<cword>")<CR> nnoremap <silent> <F7> :TlistUpdate<CR> " " }}} " {{{ man.vim " " allows you to access man pages via " :Man foo " runtime! ftplugin/man.vim " " }}} " " }}} " {{{ autocommands " " perform a perl -c when writing a perl buffer " au BufWritePost *.pl,*.pm !perl -c % " " occasionally I turn this on for debugging " during schema creation " "au BufWritePost *.sql !psql -Uajharrison testcheck -f % " }}} " {{{ appearance set background=dark if has("gui_running") let rgb_file = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt" set guifont=-jmk-neep-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 set columns=185 set lines=58 highlight Normal font=-jmk-neep-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-* +-c-*-iso8859-1 guifg=White guibg=Black highlight StatusLine term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=b +old,reverse guifg=DarkBlue guibg=fg highlight StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse gui +fg=#000055 guibg=fg highlight ErrorMsg term=standout cterm=bold,reverse gui=bold, +reverse guifg=DarkRed guibg=fg highlight VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse gui +fg=DarkBlue guibg=fg highlight Title term=bold ctermfg=13 gui=bold guifg=Magent +a highlight Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse gui +fg=DarkBlue guibg=fg highlight Cursor guibg=Blue guifg=NONE highlight Folded guibg=DarkSlateBlue guifg=snow3 highlight FoldColumn guibg=#000040 guifg=darkyellow highlight DiffAdd term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=b +old,reverse guifg=#000055 guibg=fg highlight DiffChange guibg=Black highlight DiffText term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=b +old,reverse guifg=Red guibg=fg highlight DiffDelete term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse gui +fg=#444444 guibg=fg endif " }}} " "
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