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Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences

by EdwardG (Vicar)
on Jun 02, 2004 at 15:40 UTC ( [id://359502]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

EdwardG has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have written a small application that helps me explore the declared relationships between tables in MS SQL Server databases. I find that I need to do this because often the associated documentation is inadequate or untrustworthy. In fact, I can use this application to generate documentation in HTML, or graphically via GraphViz.

At the core of this application is the following package, and my purpose in posting is to ask for opinions; firstly, if this code might eventually be suitable for a CPAN upload, and if so, where it might fit in the hierarchy.

Since I have never before uploaded to CPAN I would appreciate any advice about style, what might be missing, a better module name, or anything else suitable for public discussion ;-)


MSSQL::TableReferences - Get information about MS SQL Server 2000 declared table relationships


use MSSQL::TableReferences; my $tr = MSSQL::TableReferences->new($dbh); # $dbh obtained elsewhere # Get information about references FROM this table to other tables $refs = $tr->tablereferences('this_table'); # $refs is now a hashref that describes how this_table # references other_table. $refs = { 'table' => 'this_table', 'alias' => 'tt', 'related' => [ { 'name' => 'other_table', 'alias' => 'ot', 'joins' => [ 'tt.person_id = ot.person_id', 'tt.week_id = ot.week_id' ] } ], }; # Now get information about references TO this table FROM other tables $refs = $tr->tablereferencedby('this_table') # $refs is now a hashref that describes how two # other tables reference this_table. $refs = { 'table' => 'this_table', 'alias' => 'tt', 'related' => [ { 'name' => 'other_table', 'alias' => 'ot', 'joins' => [ 'ot.person_id = tt.person_id' ] }, { 'name' => 'yet_another_table', 'alias' => 'yat', 'joins' => [ 'yat.person_id = tt.person_id', 'yat.week_id = tt.week_id' ] } ] };


MSSQL::TableReferences aims to provide information in a form that is similar to SQL that might actually be used to join tables involved in such relationships. For instance, using $refs obtained in the example above, it would now be easy to derive SQL -

# get the first relationship my $firstrel = shift @{$refs->{related}}; # compose some sql my $sql = qq{ SELECT * FROM $refs->{table} AS $refs->{alias} JOIN $firstrel->{name} AS $firstrel->{alias} ON } . join (' AND ', @{$firstrel->{joins}}); print $sql; __END__ output: SELECT * FROM this_table AS tt JOIN other_table AS ot ON tt.person_id = ot.person_id AND tt.week_id = ot.week_id

While this generated code is probably not suitable for deployment, it is a helpful example of how to join these tables.

Note that the 'alias' is a short name that is commonly used to disambiguate columns from different tables. The algorithm for deriving this short name is very basic - just the first letter of the table plus every letter following an underscore. Some examples -

my_table => mt my_other_table => mot fred => f dbo.fred => f # note that table prefixes are ignored

If an alias collision occurs, one of the aliases will be suffixed with a '1', for example -

my_table => mt mother_table => mt1

The package depends entirely on the SQL 2k sysreferences table, so it may stop working with the next version of SQL Server. SQL Server does provide INFORMATION_SCHEMA views, but these are far more cumbersome to work with. If someone more familiar with these views can show me an equivalent, I will convert.


  • Check for SQL 2000, do something helpful if some other version is found
  • Think of better names for tablereferences and tablereferencedby


package MSSQL::TableReferences; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; $self->{DBH} = shift or die 'dbh?'; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub tablereferencedby { tablereferences(@_,'Get references TO this table'); } sub tablereferences { my ($self,$table,$get_refs_TO_this_table) = @_; my ($fromalias, $toalias, $fromkeyid, $tokeyid) = $get_refs_TO_this_table ? ('?', '¿', 'fkeyid', 'rkeyid') : ('¿', '?', 'rkeyid', 'fkeyid'); my $sql="select object_name(r.$fromkeyid)\n"; $sql .= ",'$fromalias.' + col_name(r.fkeyid,r.fkey$_) + ' = $toali +as.' + col_name(r.rkeyid,r.rkey$_)\n" for (1..16); $sql .=qq{ from sysreferences r where $tokeyid=object_id('$table') order by constid,object_name($fromkeyid) }; my @relationships; push @relationships, { name => $_->[0], alias => _FirstLetters($_->[0]), joins => [grep {defined} @{$_}[1..16]] } for @{$self->{DBH}->selectall_arrayref($sql)}; my $table_alias = _FirstLetters($table); for my $relationships (@relationships) { $relationships->{alias} .= '1' if ($relationships->{alias} eq +$table_alias); for (@{$relationships->{joins}}) { s/\?\./$relationships->{alias}\./; s/\¿\./$table_alias\./; } } @relationships ? { table => $table, alias => $table_alias, related => \@relationships } : undef; } sub _FirstLetters { # return the first letter and the letters succeeding underscores. # useful as alias names in sql. # examples # my_event_history => meh # dbo.my_table => mt my $text=shift; return '' unless $text; $text=~s/^\w+\.//ig; # remove prefixes my $fl=''; while ($text=~ /(?:^(\w)|_(\w))/g) {$fl.=$1 || $2;} return $fl; } 1; __END__

Update 1: Since submitting this node I have continued to work on MSSQL::TableReferences, I hope improving it, but I'm not changing this node for the sake of posterity. If anyone wants the updated code, send email to edward.guiness at, or send a CB /msg. I may even upload it to CPAN if I can find the time+energy to jump through the requisite hoops.

Update 2: I have uploaded this to CPAN as DBIx::TableReferences::MSSQL.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences
by Solo (Deacon) on Jun 02, 2004 at 17:16 UTC
    What if you consider the module as providing info about the table relationships in an RDBMS--a concept shared by all RDBMSs? The DB dependent piece is how to get the relationship info from the DB. In this case only the MSSQL dependent piece is written, but so what?

    How about DBIx::Relations::MSSQL, or something like it?



    You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake; well, this could be it, sweetheart.

Re: Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences
by perrin (Chancellor) on Jun 02, 2004 at 18:26 UTC
    Have you looked at SQL::Translator? It does similar things by parsing your SQL DDL.

      Thanks for the pointer, I hadn't looked at it and so was keen to see what it was about. I like it, as far as it goes, but here's the thing: getting a list of database objects (eg tables) is trivial, and getting a list of table constraints (including relationships) is only slightly more difficult. The hard part is to obtain useful information about those relationships, and that's where MSSQL::TableReferences comes in. It is about discovering and interpreting information that is buried in the database schema.

      Perhaps it is peculiar to my style of orientation, but when I'm studying a legacy database, I first review any ER diagrams, and then I look at the declared relationships. I find that these relationships are usually far more enlightening than anything else, since they are about as close to the big picture, fundamental design decisions, as anything can be. I can do this manually of course, and I do, but with this package I can speedily collect and publish the information for further reference. I'm essentially inventing yet another reverse-engineering tool, born of my working practices.

      I notice that SQL::Translator::Schema provides for what it calls a natural join, which turns out to be a naive assumption based on column names. This might be helpful, but it is far less helpful than the examination of declared relationships from sysreferences.

      Still, it has given me more to think about. Thanks again.


Re: Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences
by monktim (Friar) on Jun 02, 2004 at 18:09 UTC
    The INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are part of the ANSI SQL-92 standard. If you can write it using the views, it may work on dB's other than MS. I haven't used the views much so I can't help you out. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS might be a start?
Re: Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences
by mpeppler (Vicar) on Jun 02, 2004 at 17:46 UTC
    I'll post a "me too" here. I agree with Solo that as this module depends on DBI it should be placed in the DBIx name space. Solo's suggestion of DBIx::Relations::MSSQL seems reasonable, or I suppose you could name it DBIx::TableReferences::MSSQL if you prefer.


Re: Please comment on potential MSSQL::TableReferences
by jfroebe (Parson) on Jun 02, 2004 at 16:07 UTC

    I like the idea... hmm... thinking that this might be a part of a MSSQL::Toolkit, (such a thing doesn't exist to my knowledge) under MSSQL::Toolkit::TableReferences for instance. Other ones could be MSSQL::Toolkit::Maintenance (for making maintenance scripts less cumbersome for the new dba, etc.).

    but that is just my preference.

    Jason L. Froebe

    No one has seen what you have seen, and until that happens, we're all going to think that you're nuts. - Jack O'Neil, Stargate SG-1

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