in reply to Re: Re: Perl Idioms Explained - my ($foo, $bar) = @{shift(@_)}{qw/ -foo -bar /}
in thread Perl Idioms Explained - my ($foo, $bar) = @{shift(@_)}{qw/ -foo -bar /}

A zero and empty string are (mostly) the same thing as far as Perl is concerned. The only time I worry about ditching undef values is if my interface exlicitly states that undef is different from any other false value. Otherwise you're asking to get a lot of 'use of unintitilized value' warnings.

BTW--I like your @$self{keys %SELF) = @{+shift}{keys %SELF}; example, but it deserves some comments for the poor maintance programmer, who may not have as much Perl-foo as you do.

: () { :|:& };:

Note: All code is untested, unless otherwise stated