in reply to Re: base64 and hex question
in thread base64 and hex question

This was the approach I was working on when I saw your post. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5; use Math::BaseCalc; my $md5_b64 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5_b64->add( 'foo bar' ); my $md5_hex = Digest::MD5->new; $md5_hex->add( 'foo bar' ); my $b64_digest = $md5_b64->b64digest; my $hex_digest = $md5_hex->hexdigest; my $base_64 = new Math::BaseCalc ( digits => [ 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9, '+' , '/' ] ); my $base_16 = new Math::BaseCalc ( digits => [ 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f' ] ); my $b64_string = $base_16->to_base( $base_64->from_base( $b64_digest + ) ); print "Base 64 : $b64_digest\n"; print "Hex : $hex_digest\n\n"; __END__ Base 64 : MntvB0NYESObxH4VRDUycw Hex : 327b6f07435811239bc47e1544353273 Converted : 327b6f074358120000000000000000000
It doesn't seem to work correctly? L~R

Update: After talking with tye in the CB, he seems to think that Math::BaseCalc expects the number being converted to fit into a double as well as an endian problem. He suggested using Math::Fleximal instead and I stumbled on to converting from b64 -> b16 to correct for the endian problem encountered going the other way.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5; use Math::Fleximal; my $md5_b64 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5_b64->add( 'foo bar' ); my $md5_hex = Digest::MD5->new; $md5_hex->add( 'foo bar' ); my $b64_digest = $md5_b64->b64digest; my $hex_digest = $md5_hex->hexdigest; my $b16_string = Math::Fleximal->new ( $b64_digest , [ 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/'] )->change_flex ( [ 0..9, 'a'..'f' ] )->to_str() ; print "Base 64 : $b64_digest\n"; print "Hex : $hex_digest\n\n"; print "Converted : ", substr($b16_string, 0, 32), "\n"; __END__ Base 64 : MntvB0NYESObxH4VRDUycw Hex : 327b6f07435811239bc47e1544353273 Converted : 327b6f07435811239bc47e1544353273
You probably want to look into the endian problem further instead of just relying on it working from b64 -> b16 though.