fxmakers has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I'm not sure to understand how waitpid works, as my script always dies returning "No children at lineXX".
I'm connecting to some servers using a multisocket and vec/select and forking some subs at the same time.
These childs exit with a $result I'd like to store.

Code follows:
use strict; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use IO::Socket::INET; $SIG{'CHLD'} = \&reaper; sub reaper { my $child; while (($child = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { my $exit = $? >> 8; print STDOUT "$child returned $exit\n"; } $SIG{'CHLD'} = \&reaper; } my %socklist = (); my $bit = ''; my $socket = &open_socket("tcp", "", 6667, 3); sub open_socket { my ($proto, $host, $port, $timeout) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => $proto, PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => $timeout ); if (!$socket) { return(0); } return($socket); } if (!$socket) { die("can't connect"); } &add_socket($socket, "IRC"); sub add_socket { my ($socket, $type) = (shift, shift); $socket->autoflush(1); $socklist{$socket}{'sock'} = $socket; $socklist{$socket}{'type'} = $type; $socklist{$socket}{'fileno'} = $socket->fileno(); vec($bit, $socklist{$socket}{'fileno'}, 1) = 1; return(0); } print $socket "USER zxf sdf sdf sdf\n"; print $socket "NICK sdxfsdfg\n"; print $socket "JOIN #fx\n"; sub new_child { my $result = 0; my $pid; if ($pid = fork()) { print STDOUT"new child $pid\n"; return($pid); } elsif (defined($pid)) { print STDOUT "child code here\n"; sleep(2); $result = 2; exit($result); } } my $child = &new_child(); print STDOUT "got a new child: $child\n"; sub loop_socket { my $rin = $bit; $rin =~ /[^\0]/ || next; my $idx = select($rin, undef, undef, 1); my $buffer = ""; $idx || next; $idx > 0 || die($!); my %list = %socklist; while ($idx && (my ($socket, $value) = each(%list))) { $socket = $value->{'sock'}; if (vec($rin, $value->{'fileno'}, 1)) { $buffer = <$socket>; print + STDOUT "IRC: $buffer"; } } return(0); } for (;;) { &loop_socket(); } 1;

Please give me a hand, I'd really appreciate it :)