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Gtk+ HTML Tree Viewer

by mdillon (Priest)
on Sep 20, 2000 at 21:17 UTC ( [id://33351]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: HTML Utility/GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info mike dillon <>

this is a rewrite of a utility i did for a job where i was using HTML::TreeBuilder and XML::XPath to parse and search normal HTML documents using the powerful XPath query language.

this utility uses HTML::TreeBuilder to parse an HTML document from a URL specified on the command line or from an internal browser location line and displays it as a Gtk+ Tree in a window. only subtrees with text nodes or anchors are expanded.

there are (simple) XPath queries displayed in the status bar that could be used to extract that node from the document (for example, by converting it to XHTML with HTML::TreeBuilder and then using XML::XPath, or by traversing the TreeBuilder parse tree and programmatically constructing an XPath parse tree).

it's probably not a bad example of simple Gtk+ GUI programming. more may be yet to come in the way of functionality (and comments).

this was written and tested against Gtk 0.7003.

there is support for using GtkHTML as well, if your installation is functional (mine was partially functional when i wrote the code, but stopped working after i upgraded from GtkHTML 0.4 to 0.6.1 and recompiled Gtk::HTML)

most recently updated: 24 Sep 2000

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Data::Dumper;

use Gtk;

#use Gtk::HTML;

use HTML::TreeBuilder;

use HTTP::Request::Common;

use LWP::UserAgent;

use Tie::RefHash;

use URI;

use strict;

init Gtk;
#init Gtk::Gdk::Rgb;
#init Gtk::HTML;


my $TITLE = 'gHTMLTree';
my $false = 0;
my $true = 1;

my $show_tooltips = $false;


my $tooltips;
my $filedialog;
my $window;
my $menubar;
my $pane;
my $vbox;
my $combo;
my $tree_scroller;
my $tree;
my $notebook;
my $raw_text_scroller;
my $raw_text;
my $text_scroller;
my $text;
my $attrlist_scroller;
my $attrlist;
my $html_scroller;
my $html;
my $status;
my $status_context;


my $p;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent();



$tooltips = new Gtk::Tooltips();

$window = new Gtk::Window('toplevel');
$window->set_usize(800, 600);
$window->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { Gtk->exit(0) });

$vbox = new Gtk::VBox($false, 5);

    my @menuitems = do {
        my $dummy = new Gtk::Entry();
        $dummy->set_usize(0, 0);
        $vbox->pack_start($dummy, $false, $false, 0);

        ( {
            path => '/_File',
            type => '<Branch>',
            path => '/File/_Open Location...',
            accelerator => '<control>O',
            callback => sub {
            path => '/File/_Quit',
            accelerator => '<control>Q',
            callback => sub { Gtk->exit(0) },
            path => '/_Edit',
            type => '<Branch>',
            path => '/Edit/_Copy',
            accelerator => '<control>C',
            callback => sub {
                if ($combo->entry->has_focus())
                elsif ($text->has_focus())
                elsif ($raw_text->has_focus())
                elsif ($tree->selection() && $tree->selection()->has_f
                    $dummy->select_region(0, length($dummy->get_text()
        }, );

    my $factory;

    my $accel = new Gtk::AccelGroup();

    $factory = new Gtk::ItemFactory('Gtk::MenuBar', '<main>', $accel);



    $menubar = $factory->get_widget('<main>');
$vbox->pack_start($menubar, $false, $true, 0);

$combo = new Gtk::Combo();
$vbox->pack_start($combo, $false, $false, 5);
$combo->entry->signal_connect(activate => \&change_location);
$combo->list->signal_connect(selection_changed => sub {
    $combo->entry->select_region(0, length($combo->entry->get_text));

$pane = new Gtk::HPaned();
$vbox->pack_start($pane, $true, $true, 0);

$tree_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow();
$tree_scroller->set_usize(300, 500);
$tree_scroller->set_policy('automatic', 'always');

$tree = new Gtk::Tree();
$tree_scroller->add_with_viewport( $tree );

$notebook = new Gtk::Notebook();

$text_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow();
$notebook->append_page($text_scroller, new Gtk::Label('HTML Source (Pr
$text_scroller->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');

$text = new Gtk::Text();

$raw_text_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow();
$notebook->append_page($raw_text_scroller, new Gtk::Label('HTML Source
+ (Raw)'));
$raw_text_scroller->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');

$raw_text = new Gtk::Text();

$attrlist_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow();
$notebook->append_page($attrlist_scroller, new Gtk::Label('Node Attrib
$attrlist_scroller->set_policy('automatic', 'always');

    my @titles = qw(Name Value);
    $attrlist = new_with_titles Gtk::CList(@titles);
    $attrlist->set_column_width(0, 75);
    $attrlist->set_column_auto_resize($_, $true) for (0 .. $#titles);

#$html_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow();
#$notebook->append_page($html_scroller, new Gtk::Label('HTML Viewer'))
#$html_scroller->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');

#$html = new Gtk::HTML();

$status = new Gtk::Statusbar();
$vbox->pack_end($status, $false, $false, 0);
$status_context = $status->get_context_id($TITLE);

$filedialog = new Gtk::FileSelection(qq{$TITLE: File Browser});
$filedialog->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
    change_location($combo->entry, 'file:'.$filedialog->get_filename()
$filedialog->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $filedialo
+g->hide() });

unless (fork)
    change_location($combo->entry, shift) if @ARGV;
    main Gtk;



    my $node_message;
    my $popup_node;
    my $attrlist_handle;

    sub select_node
        my ($widget) = @_;

        my @data= @{$widget->get_user_data};

        $status->remove($status_context, $node_message) if defined $no

        $node_message = $status->push($status_context, $data[0]);

        if (@data >= 2)
            $attrlist->clear() if $attrlist->rows();

            my @attrs = @{$data[1]};

            while (@attrs and @attrs % 2 == 0)
                my ($key, $value) = splice(@attrs, 0, 2);

                $attrlist->append($key, $value);

            Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

        return 1;

sub change_location
    my ($widget, @data) = @_;

    my $url = @data ? shift(@data) : $widget->get_text;

    $url = "file:$url" unless $url =~ /^[a-z_0-9-]+:/i;

    $p->delete() if defined $p;

    $p = new HTML::TreeBuilder;


    my %history;

    sub load_url
        my $url = shift;



        $history{$url} = time();

            { $history{$b} <=> $history{$a} } keys %history);

        my $children = $tree->children;
        $tree->clear_items(0, $children - 1) if $children;



        Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

        my $fetch_msg = $status->push($status_context, "Fetching: $url
+ - 0 kB");

        Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

        my $req = GET $url;

        #my $loader = $html->signal_connect('url_requested', get_html_

        #my $handle = $html->begin();

        my $handle_chunk = do {
            my $last_message;
            my $received = 0;

                my ($data, $response, $proto) = @_;

                my $message;

                if ($data)
                    $received += length $data;

                    $raw_text->insert(undef, $raw_text->style->black, 
+undef, $data);

                    Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

                    #$html->write($handle, $data);

                    #Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);


                    $message = $status->push($status_context,
                        sprintf("Fetching: %s - %0.1f", $url,
                        $received / 1024).'kB');

                $status->remove($status_context, $last_message)
                    if defined $last_message;

                $last_message = $message;

                Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

        my $res = $ua->request($req, $handle_chunk, 128);


        # clear out the status bar

        if ($res->is_success)
            my $build_msg = $status->push($status_context, "Building G
+TK tree");

            $status->remove($status_context, $fetch_msg);

            Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

            build_html_tree($p, $tree);

            $status->remove($status_context, $build_msg);

            Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

            #$html->end($handle, 'ok');

            $text->insert(undef, $text->style->black, undef, $p->as_HT
+ML(undef, "\t", {}));

            Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);
            $status->remove($status_context, $fetch_msg);

            #$html->end($handle, 'error');

            error_dialog(qq{Failed fetching "$url"});


sub get_html_resource_loader
    my $url = shift;

    $url =~ s{(?<=/)[^/]*$}//;

    my $base_uri = new URI($url);

        my ($html, $url, $handle) = @_;

        my $uri = new_abs URI($url, $base_uri);

        $url = $uri->as_string;

        my $req = GET $url;

        my $res = $ua->request($req, sub
                local $_ = shift;
                my ($response, $proto) = @_;

                Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

                if (defined and length)
                    $html->write($handle, $_);
                    die("Error fetching $url$/");
            }, 8192);

        if ($res->is_success)
            $html->end($handle, 'ok');
            warn "Error fetching $url$/";
            $html->end($handle, 'error');

sub error_dialog
    my ($message) = @_;

    my $dialog = new Gtk::Dialog();

    my $label = new Gtk::Label($message);
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start($label, $true, $true, 40);

    my $button = new Gtk::Button("Close");
    $dialog->action_area->pack_start($button, $true, $true, 0);
    $button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $dialog->hide; $dialog = 
+undef; 1; });


sub build_html_tree
    my $node = shift;
    my $branch = shift;
    my $path = shift;
    my $index = shift || 1;
    my $pos = shift || 0;

    $path .= '/';
    $path .= ref $node ? ($node->tag eq '~comment'
        ? 'comment()' : $node->tag) : 'text()';
    $path .= "[$index]";

    my $leaf;
    my $expand = 0; 

    if (ref $node)
        $expand = 1 if $node->tag eq 'a';

        my $label = $node->tag;

        if ($node->tag eq 'link'
            and defined(my $rel = $node->attr('rel')))
            $label .= " ($rel)";

        if (defined (my $href = $node->attr('href')))
            $label .= ": $href";
        elsif (defined (my $src = $node->attr('src')))
            $label .= ": $src";

        if ($node->tag eq '~comment')
            my $text = create_label($node->attr('text'));

            $label = qq{<!-- $text -->};

        $leaf = new Gtk::TreeItem($label);
        $leaf->set_user_data([ $path, [ $node->all_external_attr() ] ]

        if (my @kids = $node->content_list)
            my $subtree = new Gtk::Tree();

            my %child_types;
            for my $child (@kids)
                my $tag;

                if (ref $child)
                    $tag = $child->tag;
                    $tag = "";

                    if ($node->tag eq 'title')
                        $window->set_title("$TITLE: $child");

                $expand = build_html_tree($child, $subtree, $path,
                    ++$child_types{$tag}) || $expand;

            $leaf->expand() if $expand;
        my $label = create_label($node);

        $leaf = new Gtk::TreeItem(qq{"$label"});
        $leaf->set_user_data([ $path, [] ]);

        $expand = 1;

    $leaf->signal_connect('select', \&select_node);
    $tooltips->set_tip($leaf, $path, "") if $show_tooltips;

    return $expand;

sub create_label
    my $label = shift || '';

    $label =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $label = substr($label, 0, 97).'...'
        unless length($label) < 100;    


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