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#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::Pane; use Tk::PNG; use Tk::JPEG; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use MIME::Base64; use Image::Magick; use Tk::CanvasDirTree; # a single click directory browser # start script in top dir containing png, jpg. (no animated # gif testing so may cause errors with animated gifs) # --will recurse into subdirs # --left click on thumbnail to load image in source canvas # --left-click drag on source image will copy a subsample to # the target(rightmost) canvas. The drag will create # a rectangle, which will turn momentarily red upon left-button # release. When the red disappears, # the subsample is on the target canvas. # The samples will be staggered, # and are draggable on the target canvas, # with a left mouse button drag. # --Escape will clear target canvas # --Save button will save entire target canvas as jpg. # set source and target canvas sizes (scrollregions) my $source_size_x = 1000; my $source_size_y = 1000; my $target_size_x = 1000; my $target_size_y = 1000; my $im = Image::Magick->new; # a single object for thumbnails my $output = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'ps'); #object for copy my $photo; #my source $photo ; my $can1; #scrolled my $can2; my $rcan1; #real my $rcan2; my $dx; my $dy; my $x2 = 20; # starting point for placing samples on target canvas my $y2 = 20; my %thumbs; #global for reusing Photo objects which hold thumbs my %info; #reusable hash to hold photo file info my $info = 'File Information'; my $mw = MainWindow->new(-bg=>'black'); $mw->geometry('800x600'); $mw->fontCreate('big', -family=>'arial', -weight=>'bold', -size=>int(-18*18/14)); $mw->bind('<Control-c>', sub{ Tk::exit;} ); my $topframe = $mw->Frame(-height =>1, -background=>'black') ->pack(-fill=>'x', -expand=>1); my $topframe1 = $topframe->Frame(-height =>1, -background=>'black') ->pack(-side => 'right',-fill=>'x', -expan +d=>0); $topframe1->Button( -background => 'yellow', -foreground =>'black', -activebackground => 'lightseagreen', -font =>'big', -relief=>'raised', -command => \&save, -text => 'Save', )->pack(-side=>'right',-fill =>'x',-expand =>0); $topframe->Label( -textvariable => \$info, -background => 'black', -foreground =>'yellow', # -font =>'big', -relief=>'raised', )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill =>'x',-expand =>1); my $leftframe = $mw->Frame( -width =>50, -background=>'black', )->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "n", -fill=> 'y', -expand=>0, ); my $midframe = $mw->Frame( -width =>150, -background=>'black', )->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "n", -fill=>'y', -expand=>0, ); my $mainframe = $mw->Scrolled('Pane', -scrollbars=>'s', -sticky=>'nwse', )->pack(-expand=>1, -fill=>'both'); $mainframe->Subwidget("xscrollbar")->configure( -background => 'red', -activebackground => 'hotpink', -troughcolor => 'mistyrose', ); my $f1 = $mainframe->Frame()->pack(-fill=>'both',-expand=>1); my $f2 = $mainframe->Frame()->pack(); #default empty image my $image = $mw->Photo(-file => '' ) or die $!; # a dir selector in left frame my $ztree = $leftframe->Scrolled('CanvasDirTree', -bg =>'white', -width =>150, -height =>750, -floatback => 1, -font => 'big', # defaults to system -scrollbars =>'sw', -borderwidth =>1, -scrollregion => [0,0,300,700] )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill=>'y', -expand=>0); $ztree->bind('<ButtonPress-1>', sub{ my $selected = $ztree->get_selected(); if(length $selected){ #print "$selected\n"; add_dir_contents($selected); } }); # set scrollbar colors my $xbar = $ztree->Subwidget("xscrollbar"); my $ybar = $ztree->Subwidget("yscrollbar"); # do not attempt to change the scrollbar's -yscrollbackcommand # it is used internally by CanvasDirTree for($xbar,$ybar){ $_->configure( -background => "darkseagreen", -activebackground => "lightgreen", -troughcolor => "black", ); } # canvas for midframe to hold thumbnails my $ct = $midframe->Scrolled('Canvas', -width => 110, -background => 'black', -scrollbars => 'w', )->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "n", -fill => 'y', -expand => 1 ); $ct->Subwidget("yscrollbar")->configure( -background => 'lightsteelblue', -activebackground => 'steelblue', -troughcolor => 'mistyrose', ); #fill mainframe with default screen setup_pane(); $mw->waitVisibility; # Start with the current directory add_dir_contents("."); MainLoop; ###################################################################### +### sub setup_pane{ $can1 = $f1->Scrolled('Canvas', -background =>'lightyellow', -width => 400, -height => 500, -scrollbars => 'osow', -scrollregion => [ 0, 0, $source_size_x, $source_size_y ], )->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); $can1->Subwidget("yscrollbar")->configure( -background => 'yellow3', -activebackground => 'yellow', -troughcolor => 'white', ); $can1->Subwidget("xscrollbar")->configure( -background => 'yellow3', -activebackground => 'yellow', -troughcolor => 'white', ); $rcan1 = $can1->Subwidget("scrolled"); #needed for some bindings $photo = $can1->createImage(0,0,-image => $image, -anchor =>'nw',-tags + => ['image1']); $rcan1->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>' => \&start_rect); $rcan1->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&stop_rect); $can2 = $f1->Scrolled('Canvas', -background =>'lightgreen', -width => 400, -height => 500, -scrollbars => 'osow', -scrollregion => [ 0, 0, $target_size_x, $target_size_y ], )->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); $rcan2 = $can2->Subwidget("scrolled"); #needed for some bindings $rcan2->bind('move', '<1>', \&mobileStart ); $rcan2->bind('move', '<B1-Motion>', \&mobileMove ); $rcan2->bind('move', '<ButtonRelease>', \&mobileStop ); # clear source canvas $mw->bind('<Escape>' => sub { $can2->delete('move'); }); $can2->Subwidget("yscrollbar")->configure( -activebackground => 'green3', -background => 'darkolivegreen', -troughcolor => 'white', ); $can2->Subwidget("xscrollbar")->configure( -activebackground => 'green3', -background => 'darkolivegreen', -troughcolor => 'white', ); $f2->Label( -text => ' + ', -font => 'big', -background => 'antiquewhite4', -relief=>'raised', )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill =>'x',-expand =>1); $f2->Label( -text => ' <--------------- ---------------> + ', -font => 'big', -background => 'black', -foreground => 'hotpink', -relief=>'raised', )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill =>'x',-expand =>1); $f2->Label( -text => ' + ', -font => 'big', -background => 'antiquewhite4', -relief=>'raised', )->pack(-side=>'right', -fill => 'x',-expand =>1); } ############################################################## sub browseThis { my @tags = $ct->gettags( $ct->find(qw|withtag current|) ); @tags = grep { $_ ne 'temp' } @tags; @tags = grep { $_ ne 'current' } @tags; my $pic = $info{ $tags[0] }{'pic'} || ''; $image->blank; $image->read($pic); $can1->itemconfigure($photo,-image => $image ); #update label $info = $info{ $tags[0] }{'info'}; } ############################################################ sub load_thumbs{ #clean up last display ------------------------- $ct->delete( $ct->find(qw|withtag temp|) ); foreach my $key(keys %thumbs){ $thumbs{$key}->blank; #reuse thumbnail objects } foreach( keys %info ){ $info{$_}{'pic'} = ''; $info{$_}{'info'} = ''; $info{$_}{'thumbnail'} = ''; delete $info{$_}{'pic'}; delete $info{$_}{'info'}; delete $info{$_}{'thumbnail'}; delete $info{$_}; } %info = (); #----------------------------------------------- my @exts = qw(.jpg .png ); # list allowed extensions #my @exts = qw(.png); # list allowed extensions my $picref = shift; my @pics = @$picref; my @slots = sort {$a<=>$b} keys %thumbs; my $slot_prev = -1; my $scrollreg = (scalar @pics) * 130; $ct->configure(-scrollregion =>[0,0,100,$scrollreg]); foreach my $pic (@pics){ my ($basename,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($pic,@exts); $info{$basename}{'pic'} = $pic; #full path to image #get image info my ($width, $height, $size, $format) = $im->Ping($pic); $info{$basename}{'info'} = "$pic $width x $height $size"; # Create smaller version $im->Read($pic); $im->Scale( geometry => '100x100' ); $info{$basename}{'thumbnail'} = $im->ImageToBlob(); undef @$im; # blank $im object #reuse slots for thumbnails to avoid memory gain my $slot = shift(@slots); $slot ||= -1; if($slot == -1){ $slot = $slot_prev + 1 } &add_key( $basename, $slot ); $slot_prev = $slot; $mw->update; } undef @$im; $ct->bind("temp","<Button-1>", sub { &browseThis }); } ################################################################### sub add_key{ my($key, $slot) = @_; #print "$key $slot\n"; #Tk needs data images base64 encoded my $content = encode_base64( $info{$key}{'thumbnail'} ); if(ref $thumbs{$slot} eq 'Tk::Photo'){ $thumbs{$slot}->put($content) }else{ $thumbs{$slot} = $mw->Photo(-data => $content ); } my $y = $slot * 130; $ct->createText( 50,$y + 10, -tags => ['temp', $key], -fill => 'yellow', -text => $key, # -font => 'medium', ); $ct->createImage( 0, $y +20 , -image =>$thumbs{$slot} , -tags => ['temp', $key], -anchor => 'nw' ); $ct->createLine( 0,$y,130,$y, -tags => ['temp',$key], -fill => 'white', -width => 5, -dash => [6,4], ); } ###################################################################### +#### sub add_dir_contents { my $path = $_[0]; my $oldcursor = $mw->cget('cursor'); # Remember current cursor, + and $mw->configure( -cursor => 'watch' ); # change cursor to watch $mw->update(); #this decode utf8 routine is used so filenames with extended # ascii characters (unicode) in filenames, will work properly use Encode; opendir my $dh, $path or warn "Error: $!"; my @files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir $dh; closedir $dh; # @files = map{ "$path/".$_ } sort @files; #$_ = decode( 'utf8', $_ ) for ( @files ); @files = map { decode( 'utf8', "$path/".$_ ) } sort @files; my @thumbs=(); foreach my $file (@files) { $file =~ s|//|/|g; (my $text = $file ) =~ s|^.*/||g; if ( -d $file ) { next } else { if( $file =~ /.*\.(png|jpg)$/ ){ push @thumbs, "$file" } } } $mw->configure( -cursor => $oldcursor ); load_thumbs( \@thumbs ); } ############################################################### sub start_rect { my $event = $rcan1->XEvent; my $x = $rcan1->canvasx($event->x); my $y = $rcan1->canvasy($event->y); $can1->create('rectangle', $x, $y, $x+10, $y+10, -width => 4, -tags => ['rect']); $rcan1->Tk::bind('<Motion>' => \&making_rect); } ############################################################### sub making_rect { my $event = $rcan1 ->XEvent; my $x = $rcan1->canvasx($event->x); my $y = $rcan1->canvasy($event->y); my ($x0,$y0,$x1,$y1) = $can1->coords('rect'); # $canvas->coords('rect', $x0, $y0, $x, $y ); $can1->coords('rect', $x0,$y0,$x,$y); } ######################################################### sub stop_rect { $rcan1->Tk::bind('<Motion>' => undef ); my $event = $rcan1 ->XEvent; my $x = $rcan1->canvasx($event->x); my $y = $rcan1->canvasy($event->y); my ($x0,$y0,$x1,$y1) = $can1->coords('rect'); # $canvas->coords('rect', $x0, $y0, $x, $y ); my $width = $x1 - $x0; my $height = $y1 -$y0; # flash red the delete rect so as not to copy it $can1->itemconfigure('rect',-outline =>'red'); $can1->update; $can1->delete('rect'); #returns to $ps my $ps = $can1->postscript( -x=>$x0, -y=>$y0, -width => $width, -height=> $height ); #reset IM object undef @$output; $output->Set(magick=>'ps'); $output->BlobToImage( $ps ); #$output->Resize(geometry=> $width.'x'.$height); #$output->Write('z.jpg'); $output->Set(magick=>'jpeg'); my $blob = $output->ImageToBlob(); #now a blob in jpg instead of po +stscript # print $blob; #make new selection on $can2 my $new_image = $mw->Photo(-format => 'jpeg',-data => encode_base64 +($blob) ) or die $!; $x2 +=20; $y2+=20; #stagger them for ease of dragging to position $can2->createImage( $x2, $y2, -image =>$new_image, -tags => ['move'], -anchor => 'nw' ); } ############################################################## sub mobileStart { my $ev = $rcan2->XEvent; ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y); $rcan2->raise('current'); #print "START MOVE-> $dx $dy\n"; } ############################################################### sub mobileMove { my $ev = $rcan2->XEvent; $rcan2->move('current', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy); ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y); #print "MOVING-> $dx $dy\n"; } ############################################################ sub mobileStop{} ############################################################## sub save{ $can2->update; my @capture=(); my ($x0,$y0,$x1,$y1)=$can2->bbox('all'); @capture=('-x'=>$x0,'-y'=>$y0,-height=>$y1-$y0,-width=>$x1-$x +0); my $ps = $can2 -> postscript( -colormode=>'color', -rotate=>0, -width=>$x1-$x0, -height=>$y1-$y0, @capture); #reset/clear IM object and convert from ps to jpg undef @$output; $output->Set(magick=>'ps'); $output->BlobToImage( $ps ); $output->Set(magick=>'jpeg'); $output->Write("$0.jpg"); print "saved\n"; } __END__

In reply to Tk Canvas Image Sampler/ Montage builder by zentara

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