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package Crypt::Random::ISAAC; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw'@ISA @EXPORT_OK $VERSION'; use subs 'rand'; @ISA = 'Exporter'; @EXPORT_OK = qw'rand randinit'; $VERSION = '0.92'; =head1 NAME Crypt::Random::ISAAC - ISAAC Crypto-secure PRNG, using address allocat +ion as seed. =head1 SYNOPSIS This is a drop-in replacement for Perl's C<rand()>, but nothing is exp +orted by default. use Crypt::Random::ISAAC 'rand'; print rand(); ## OR ## use Crypt::Random::ISAAC; print Crypt::Random::ISAAC::rand(); ## OR ## use Crypt::Random::ISAAC qw'rand randinit'; @Crypt::ISAAC::randrsl = @seed[0..255]; randinit(1); ## inits using seed value; print rand(); This can be used with other modules like C<Crypt::RandPasswd> in the f +ollowing manner: use Crypt::Random::ISAAC; use Crypt::RandPasswd; *Crypt::RandPasswd::rng = \&Crypt::Random::ISAAC::rand; since our rand function has the same interface. =head1 DESCRIPTION A CSPRNG using natural timing (specific to exact CPU and load when run +) as a seed, conforming to the ISAAC spec (considered Cryptograpically Secure +). Core PRNG uses code originally (c)Bob Jenkins, 1996 and ported to Perl + by John L. Allen, 2000. See L< +tml> for the original C code and the Perl translation. Initialization is peformed during module load, but can be repeated. =head1 CAVEATS =over 1 =item Seed not tested Although the ISAAC algorithm has been well-tested for security, the me +thod for choosing the random seed that is employed by this module B<has not>. +The seed is chosen by allocating memory for references, assigning the lower 32 +bits of the address to each seed slot. The results are mixed somewhat before +use, and care is taken to ensure that a contiguous block of addresses are not u +sed. If this is not secure enough, the C<@randrsl> array can be populated w +ith seed values from a more entropic source (like /dev/random on *NIX). If thi +s is done, you must call the C<randinit> function to re-seed the generator. For +example: if (-f '/dev/random') { open RAND, '<', '/dev/random' or die('No read on random device +'); for (0..255) { my $bytes = read(RAND,2); $bytes = (ord(substr($bytes,0,1))<<16) + (ord(substr($byte +s,1,1))); $Crypt::Random::ISAAC::randrsl[$_] = $bytes; } close RAND; } But then, if you have C</dev/random>, you probably don't need this mod +ule! =item Rand function wrapper insufficiently tested The replacement C<rand()> relies on C<isaac()> for its randomness. So +me numerical conversion is done. While I don't believe this conversion h +as any effect on randomness, it has not been robustly tested. The author wel +comes feedback on this function. =back =head1 HISTORY =over 1 =item Version 0.9 Released on PerlMonks L<> - original version. =item Version 0.91 Not released, testing version =item Version 0.92 Released on PerlMonks L<> - new random-seeder +method; uses the lowest 32 bits of a series of addresses belonging to referenc +es. This should be hard to reproduce or guess. =back =cut ## This code is John L. Allen's Perl, with some layout modifications ( +perltidy) ## and slight changes to documentation. ### BEGIN PORT use integer; # /* external results */ my ( @randrsl, $randcnt ); # /* internal state */ my (@mm); my ( $aa, $bb, $cc ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); sub isaac() { my ( $i, $x, $y ); $cc++; # /* cc just gets incremented once per 256 results */ $bb += $cc; # /* then combined with bb */ for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 256 ; $i++ ) { $x = $mm[$i]; $aa = $mm[( $i + 128 ) & 255] + ( $aa ^ ( $aa << 13 ) ); $mm[$i] = $y = $mm[( $x >> 2 ) & 255] + $aa + $bb; $randrsl[$i] = $bb = $mm[( $y >> 10 ) & 255] + $x; $i++; $x = $mm[$i]; $aa = $mm[( $i + 128 ) & 255] + ( $aa ^ ( 0x03ffffff & ( $aa > +> 6 ) ) ); $mm[$i] = $y = $mm[( $x >> 2 ) & 255] + $aa + $bb; $randrsl[$i] = $bb = $mm[( $y >> 10 ) & 255] + $x; $i++; $x = $mm[$i]; $aa = $mm[( $i + 128 ) & 255] + ( $aa ^ ( $aa << 2 ) ); $mm[$i] = $y = $mm[( $x >> 2 ) & 255] + $aa + $bb; $randrsl[$i] = $bb = $mm[( $y >> 10 ) & 255] + $x; $i++; $x = $mm[$i]; $aa = $mm[( $i + 128 ) & 255] + ( $aa ^ ( 0x0000ffff & ( $aa >> 16 + ) ) ); $mm[$i] = $y = $mm[( $x >> 2 ) & 255] + $aa + $bb; $randrsl[$i] = $bb = $mm[( $y >> 10 ) & 255] + $x; =begin comment /* Note that bits 2..9 are chosen from x but 10..17 are chosen from y. The only important thing here is that 2..9 and 10..17 don't overlap. 2..9 and 10..17 were then chosen for speed in the optimized version (rand.c) */ /* See for further explanations and analysis. */ =end comment =cut } } #__ end sub isaac() =begin comment /* if (flag==TRUE), then use the contents of randrsl[] to initialize m +m[]. */ "mix" is "inlined" - see below Note: The above C comment seems to be out of place, having been just above the definition of the mix macro in readable.c. =end comment =cut sub randinit { my ($flag) = @_; my $i; my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h ); $aa = $bb = $cc = 0; $a = $b = $c = $d = $e = $f = $g = $h = 0x9e3779b9; # /* the golde +n ratio */ for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; ++$i ) # /* scramble +it */ { # "mix" $a ^= $b << 11; $d += $a; $b += $c; $b ^= 0x3fffffff & ( $c >> 2 ); $e += $b; $c += $d; $c ^= $d << 8; $f += $c; $d += $e; $d ^= 0x0000ffff & ( $e >> 16 ); $g += $d; $e += $f; $e ^= $f << 10; $h += $e; $f += $g; $f ^= 0x0fffffff & ( $g >> 4 ); $a += $f; $g += $h; $g ^= $h << 8; $b += $g; $h += $a; $h ^= 0x007fffff & ( $a >> 9 ); $c += $h; $a += $b; } for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 256 ; $i += 8 ) # /* fill in mm[] with mess +y stuff */ { if ($flag) # /* use all the information in the seed */ { $a += $randrsl[$i]; $b += $randrsl[$i + 1]; $c += $randrsl[$i + 2]; $d += $randrsl[$i + 3]; $e += $randrsl[$i + 4]; $f += $randrsl[$i + 5]; $g += $randrsl[$i + 6]; $h += $randrsl[$i + 7]; } # "mix" $a ^= $b << 11; $d += $a; $b += $c; $b ^= 0x3fffffff & ( $c >> 2 ); $e += $b; $c += $d; $c ^= $d << 8; $f += $c; $d += $e; $d ^= 0x0000ffff & ( $e >> 16 ); $g += $d; $e += $f; $e ^= $f << 10; $h += $e; $f += $g; $f ^= 0x0fffffff & ( $g >> 4 ); $a += $f; $g += $h; $g ^= $h << 8; $b += $g; $h += $a; $h ^= 0x007fffff & ( $a >> 9 ); $c += $h; $a += $b; $mm[$i] = $a; $mm[$i + 1] = $b; $mm[$i + 2] = $c; $mm[$i + 3] = $d; $mm[$i + 4] = $e; $mm[$i + 5] = $f; $mm[$i + 6] = $g; $mm[$i + 7] = $h; } if ($flag) { # /* do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of m +m */ for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 256 ; $i += 8 ) { $a += $mm[$i]; $b += $mm[$i + 1]; $c += $mm[$i + 2]; $d += $mm[$i + 3]; $e += $mm[$i + 4]; $f += $mm[$i + 5]; $g += $mm[$i + 6]; $h += $mm[$i + 7]; # "mix" $a ^= $b << 11; $d += $a; $b += $c; $b ^= 0x3fffffff & ( $c >> 2 ); $e += $b; $c += $d; $c ^= $d << 8; $f += $c; $d += $e; $d ^= 0x0000ffff & ( $e >> 16 ); $g += $d; $e += $f; $e ^= $f << 10; $h += $e; $f += $g; $f ^= 0x0fffffff & ( $g >> 4 ); $a += $f; $g += $h; $g ^= $h << 8; $b += $g; $h += $a; $h ^= 0x007fffff & ( $a >> 9 ); $c += $h; $a += $b; $mm[$i] = $a; $mm[$i + 1] = $b; $mm[$i + 2] = $c; $mm[$i + 3] = $d; $mm[$i + 4] = $e; $mm[$i + 5] = $f; $mm[$i + 6] = $g; $mm[$i + 7] = $h; } } isaac(); # /* fill in the first set of results */ $randcnt = 256; # /* prepare to use the first set of results */ } ### END PORT #===================================================================== +========== ## Initialization code for module, (c)2005 Darren Meyer <darren.meyer@> ## This is at the end because it needs package globals declared in Mr. + Allen's ## code. # establish seed. #- removed in 0.92 #- use Time::HiRes qw'time'; #- for ( 1 .. 1023 ) { $randrsl[int( $_ / 4 )] = ( time() . "$$" ) + $ +_ } #+ added in 0.92 @randrsl = rand_seed(); randinit(1); # next sequence to use; isaac generates 256 random values, we might as + well # use them all my ($seq) = 0; ## turns on debugging-type warnings. my $DEBUG = 0; ## Rand Function, (c)2005 Darren Meyer <> #_____________________________________________________________________ +rand() sub rand { no integer; ## turn of integral math for this sub ## drop-in replacement for system rand(). my $mult = shift || 1; #print STDERR 'Mult: ',$mult,"\n"; $DEBUG && warn 'Using ISAAC::rand'; ## if we've exhausted the queue, reset the index and generate a ne +w set. if ( $seq > 255 ) { isaac(); $seq = 0; } my $rand = undef; do { $rand = eval( sprintf( '0x%x', $randrsl[$seq] ) ); ##convert to uns +igned int; $rand = $rand / 0xFFFFFFFF * $mult; ## convert to float and + mult. }; ## two things that should never happen: defined $rand || ( warn '$rand not set, reason unknown.' and retur +n ); ( $rand > 0 && $rand < $mult ) || ( warn '$rand out of acceptable range.' and return ); $seq++; ## adjusts global so that next run uses next random num +ber. return $rand; } #_ rand() ## Random Seed populator, (c)2005 Darren Meyer < +> ## Introduced in v0.02 #________________________________________________________________rand_ +seed() sub rand_seed { ## returns a 32-bit value for random seed. ## these are not random (duh) but should be hard to reproduce my @refs; ## create a bunch of array refs. for ( 0 .. 255 ) { $refs[$_] = [undef]; if ( $_ % 2 ) { delete $refs[$_] } ## delete every other re +f } ## create new array refs in empty spots ('interleaves' address spa +ce) for ( @refs[0 .. 255] ) { defined $_ or $_ = [undef] } ## harvest addresses as 32-bit values. for (@refs) { $_ = "$_"; s/^\w+.|.$//g; } ## use the address spaces by replacing with hash references. for ( 0 .. 255 ) { $refs[$_] = {$refs[$_] => $refs[$_ - 1]} } ## harvest them again for (@refs) { $_ = "$_"; s/^\w+.|.$//g; } ## make sure we're returning numerical values of no more than 32 b +its. return map { sprintf( '%d', eval "$_" ) & 0xFFFFFFFF } @refs; } #/get_val() #===================================================================== +========== =head1 AUTHOR Darren Meyer <>, making heavy use of others' cod +e. =head1 COPYRIGHT Original ISAAC code (c)1996 Bob Jenkins under a "code is free and may +be used as you wish" license. Perl port (c)2000 John L. Allen under the same license as the original + ISAAC code. This module is available under the terms of the MIT License, though th +e code by the above authors is unencumbered.: Copyright (c)2005 Darren Meyer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to +deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rig +hts to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnish +ed to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be include +d in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRES +S OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILIT +Y, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHAL +L THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISIN +G FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS + IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut 1;

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