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Re: Efficiently sorting array by non-alpha strings

by Abigail-II (Bishop)
on Feb 20, 2004 at 17:34 UTC ( [id://330619]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: Efficiently sorting array by non-alpha strings
in thread Efficiently sorting array by non-alpha strings

It's even faster if you avoid the sort block, using GRT:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw /timethese cmpthese/; our @advocates = map {{fld_title => 'Rec' . $_, fld_type => [qw /National State Local/] -> [ra +nd 3]}} 1 .. shift || 1000; our %order = (LOCAL => 'A', STATE => 'B', NATIONAL => 'C'); our %order_r = reverse %order; our (@limbic, @GRT); cmpthese -1 => { limbic => '@limbic = sort {$order {uc $a -> {fld_type}} cmp $order {uc $b -> {fld_type}} or $a -> {fld_title} cmp $b -> {fld_titl +e}} @advocates', GRT => '@GRT = map {{fld_title => substr ($_, 1), fld_type => $order_r {substr $_, 0, 1}} +} sort map {join "", $order {uc $_ -> {fld_type}}, $_ -> {fld_title}} @a +dvocates', }; my $limbic = join " " => map {$_ -> {fld_title}} @limbic; my $GRT = join " " => map {$_ -> {fld_title}} @GRT; die "Unequal\n" unless $limbic eq $GRT; __END__ Rate limbic GRT limbic 61.9/s -- -49% GRT 121/s 95% --
It does lose the case of fld_type, but that's easily fixable.


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