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by sock (Monk)
on Feb 14, 2004 at 04:10 UTC ( [id://328926]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Audio
Author/Contact Info Nick Gerakines <>
Description: This program sifts through the index file of a starbucks audio cd and then outputs chunks of the .aud file into proper mp3 files.
# starcd2mp3
# Author: Nick Gerakines 
# This software released under the terms of the Artistic License
# Usage:
#   Run this script in the directory of the two files. You can also
# the exact names of the files with the --aud= and --txt= arguments.
# This program can also be run with test, verbose and quiet arguments.
# ex: ./starcd2mp3 (--aud=playdisc.aud) (--txt=data.txt)
# About:
#   This program sifts through the index file for the playfile
# and outputs each song based on its start and length.
# Technical:
#   The .aud file is basically a huge chunch of encoded mpeg
# layer 2 audio. The data.txt file acts like an index giving
# pointers to songs inside the .aud file. This program will
# load the index file using the Config::IniFiles lib and then
# sift through each audio program and create a directory for it.
# Then it will sift through each song in that program, output
# the song chunk into a temporary .mp2 file. After that it uses
# lame to encode the temp .mp2 file into an mp3 and moves it to the
# proper directory.
# ChangeLog:
# 0.1
#     * First Release
# 0.2
#     * Runtime updates, speed increase by removing extra crap
#     * Fixed regex issues
#     * Fixed options bug

$version = "v0.2";

use File::Find ();
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use String::ShellQuote;
use Config::IniFiles;

$lame = "/usr/local/bin/lame";

my $ini;
local *CONFIG;

my $opt_txt = "data.TXT";
my $opt_aud = "playdisc.AUD";

print "starcd2mp3 $version\n";
print "(c) 2003-2004 Nick Gerakines\n";
print "Released without warranty under the terms of the Artistic Licen

GetOptions("help|?",\&showhelp, "test", "txt=s", \$opt_txt, "aud=s", \


sub showhelp() {
 print "Usage: $0 [options] dir1 dir2 file1 file2 ...\n\n";
 print "Options:\n";
 print "--testForces a test run, nothing is changed or created.\n";
 print "--txt=fileSet the index file to use, default is data.txt\n";
 print "--aud=fileSet the .AUD file to use, default is playdisc.aud\n"
 print "--helpDisplay this help message\n";

sub checkfile() {
 $lame_verbose = "--silent";
 $ini = new Config::IniFiles -file => $opt_txt;
 my $progname = $ini->val("Playlist", "Title");
 $songcount = $ini->val("Playlist", "Songs");
 $programcount = $ini->val("Playlist", "Programs");
 print "Loading data for Playlist $progname.\n";
 print "Playlist has $songcount songs and $programcount programs.\n";
 print "Loading aud file $opt_aud in binmode.\n";
 open(AUDFILE,"$opt_aud") or die "Can't open file [$opt_aud]\n";
 print "Load complete.\n";
 $ps = 1;
 $psi = 1;
 for ($i=1;$i<$programcount+1;$i++) {
  $pt = "Program$i";
  $ptitle = $ini->val($pt, "Title");
  $ptitle =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\{\}!\@#\$\%^&\*\~ ]/_/g;
  $ptitle =~ s/[\'\"]//g;
  $psongs = $ini->val($pt, "Songs");
  print "Program $i : $ptitle ($psongs Songs)\n";
  $pdir = shell_quote($ptitle);
  if (-d $pdir) {
   print "Directory already exists.\n";
  } else {
  system("mkdir $ptitle");
  for ($psi = 1;$psi<$psongs+1;$psi++){
    $j = $ps;
   $curr_song = "Song$j";
   $sngt = $ini->val($curr_song, "Title");
   $sngt =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\{\}!\@#\$\%^&\*\~\/]/_/g;
   $sngt =~ s/(.*)(\n|\r|\t|\f).*/$1/g;
   $sngt =~ s/\s{2,}?//g;
   $snga = $ini->val($curr_song, "Artist");
   $snga =~ s/[\[\]\(\)\{\}!\@#\$\%^&\*\~\/]/_/g;
   $snga =~ s/(.*)(\n|\r|\t|\f).*/$1/g;
   $snga =~ s/\s{2,}?//g;
   $sngl = $ini->val($curr_song, "Length");
   $sngl =~ s/(.*)(\n|\r|\t|\f).*/$1/g;
   $sngl =~ s/\s{2,}?//g;
   $sngs = $ini->val($curr_song, "Start");
   $sngs =~ s/(.*)(\n|\r|\t|\f).*/$1/g;
   $sngs =~ s/\s{2,}?//g;
   $song_name = "$snga - $sngt";
   if (!$opt_quiet){
   print "Song $j: \'$song_name\' start: $sngs, length: $sngl\n";
   if (-f $pdir."/".$song_name.".mp3") {
    print "file already exists, skipping.\n";
   } else {
    open(SONGFILE, ">".$song_name.".mp2");
    if(read(AUDFILE, $buff, $sngl)) {
     print SONGFILE $buff;
    $mp3 = shell_quote($song_name.".mp3");
    $mp2 = shell_quote($song_name.".mp2");
    $tt = shell_quote($sngt);
    $ta = shell_quote($snga);
    $tl = shell_quote($progname);
    system("$lame --silent --add-id3v2 --tt $tt --ta $ta --tl $ta --mp
+2input $mp2 $mp3");
    system("rm -f $mp2");
    system("mv -f $mp3 $pdir");
    close (SONGFILE);
 close (AUDFILE);

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