Credit Card Numbers cannot contain spaces or dashes. Please enter your card number again in the proper format. #### Your Social Security Number has three groups of digits, separated by dashes. To ensure your entry is correct, please re-enter your number in the format, ###-##-####. #### You must first dial a One before your number. Please hang up, and dial your number again, beginning with a One, then your party's area code, then your party's number. #### You do not need to dial a One before your number. Please hang up, and dial your number again, beginning with your party's area code, then your party's number. #### Please enter the amout you wish to withdraw: $___.__ Your amount must be a multiple of $20.00. #### Days of the week? m,t, w-f You have entered: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday You may have entered something I don't recognize. Did I understand your schedule correctly? [ Yes ] No