/dev/trash has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have this snippit of code:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use English; use diagnostics; use File::Copy; use File::DosGlob qw(glob); my $error=0; copy($_,'Z:/mail_test') foreach glob 'E:/EudoraPro/*.mbx'; printf ("Mailboxes done!\n"); copy($_,'Z:/mail_test') foreach glob 'E:/EudoraPro/*.toc'; printf ("TOC's done!\n");
Some of it I picked up elsewhere some of it is my own. What I wanted it to do was to copy all the *.mbx and *.toc files to a network share for backup purposes and then to tell me it completed that task. The copying works fine, but I never see the "Mailboxes are done" and TOC's are done" messages. I'm using Activestate Perl v5.6.1 build 633 on a Windows 98 machine.