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Re: Re: LDAP Search Script runs slow

by bionicle32 (Novice)
on Dec 07, 2003 at 00:23 UTC ( [id://312825]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: LDAP Search Script runs slow
in thread LDAP Search Script runs slow

Atcroft, I noticed that you are using LDIF which is for writting to a textfile. Can this be used to store the information in a variable like the way I did it in mine? I am trying to write a web application so I am not really sure if I would know how to modify your script to return the results back to the browser at one time. Can you advise? Thanks Bionicle32

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Re^3: LDAP Search Script runs slow
by atcroft (Abbot) on Dec 07, 2003 at 05:06 UTC

    Here was an attempt at blending some of the aspects of your script with the code I offered above. Untested, but at least it may give you the ideas you need. I did leave out some of the functions from your original code, so you would have to integrate them in.

    I wasn't actually using the LDIF format in my test script, so I appologize for any confusion that may have caused.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Net::LDAP qw(:all); use Net::LDAP::Entry; use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_text); use strict; use vars qw($attributes $returnedcount); $| = 1; { my $attributelist = qw(cn uid l departmentnumber title mail); $attributes = join('|', @attributelist); } $returnedcount = 0; my $cgi = new CGI; print $cgi->header(); print <<HTML_HEADER; <html> <head> HTML_HEADER my $flag = $cgi->param('looking'); if (!flag) { lookUp(); } else { print <<HEADER; <title>LDAP Results</title> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <table> HEADER my $ldap_server = ""; my $basedn = ""; my $binddn = ""; my $password = ""; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_server) or die ( $@ . "\n" ); my $result = $ldap->bind( $binddn, password => $password ) or die($result->error()); my $scope = "sub"; my $count = 0; my $searchstory = ''; { my %searchparams = ( 'first' => 'givenname', 'last' => 'sn', 'dept' => 'departmentnumber' ); foreach my $p (keys(%searchparams)) if (defined($cgi->param($p))) { $count++; $searchstory .= '(' . $p . '=*' . $cgi->param($searchparams{$p}) . '*)'; } } $searchstory = '(&' . $searchstory . ')' if ($count > 1); } # UNTESTED # - Supposed to send something to the browser periodically - $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print ' '; alarm(5); } # UNTESTED my $searchobj = $ldap->search( base => $basedn, filter => $searchstory, callback => \&process ); print( '<tr>', '<td colspan="2">Bad search</td>', '<td>', ldap_error_text( $searchobj->code() ), '</td>', "</tr>\n" ) if ( $searchobj->code() ); print( '<tr>', '<td colspan="2">Returned entries: ', $returnedcount, '</td>', "</tr>\n" ); } $ldap->unbind(); } print <<HTML_FOOTER; </table> </div> </body> </html> HTML_FOOTER sub process { local $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE'; my $mesg = shift; my $obj = shift; if ( !$obj ) { # Search complete } else { my $dn = $obj->dn(); { my @parts = (); my $resultstring = '|'; print( '<tr><td>dn: ', $dn, "</td>\n" ); foreach my $attr ( sort( { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } $obj->attributes ) ) { next unless ($attr =~ m/^($attributes)$/); $resultstring .= join ( ': ', $attr, $obj->get_value($attr) ), "|" ); } print( "<td>$resultstring</td></tr>\n" ); $returnedcount++; } $mesg->pop_entry(); } }

    Updated: 06 Dec 2003 - Added *untested* SIGALRM to try to send something to the browser periodically.

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