use strict; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects'; my $Conn = Win32::OLE->new('ADODB.Connection'); # creates a connection object my $RS = Win32::OLE->new('ADODB.Recordset'); # creates a recordset object $Conn->Open( "DSN=myDsn;UID=myUid;PWD=myPwd" ); $Conn->{'CommandTimeout'} = 1200000; # no timeout $Conn->{'CursorLocation'} = 3; # adUseClient: counts rows on the client my $sql = << "__SQL__"; declare \@AZIONE int; set \@AZIONE = (SELECT id FROM desAz WHERE az LIKE 'XXXX%' ); select * from desCc; __SQL__ my $RS = execQuery( $Conn, $sql, "This is my query", 1, 1); # you can do things with your recorset in $RS.... $RS->Close; $Conn->Close; exit; # ----------------------------------------- # This function queries the database # and logs query, timing, results # and errors. # Support multiple statements. sub execQuery( ) { my ($Conn, $sql, $desc, $whichRS, $dumpRS ) = @_; logEntry(); my $est_err = 0; lg( "Query: $desc\n\n$sql\n\n" ); my $log_start = time; my $RS = $Conn->execute( $sql ); my $durata = time - $log_start; lg( "Time: $durata sec\n" ); my $errors = $Conn->Errors(); foreach my $error (in $errors) { $est_err = 1; lg( "Error: [" . $error->{Number} . "] " . $error->{Description} ); }; $errors->Clear; if ( $whichRS > 0 ) { lg( "Using recordset # $whichRS" ); my $RS2; for ( my $rr = 0 ; $rr < $whichRS; $rr++ ) { $RS2 = $RS->NextRecordset; } $RS = $RS2; } my $nRighe = $RS->RecordCount * 1.0; if ( $nRighe > 0 ) { $RS->MoveFirst; }; # I dump the recordset if needed if ( $dumpRS && ($nRighe > 0) ) { my $nColonne = $RS->Fields->Count; for (my $r = 0; $r < $nRighe; $r++ ) { my @Riga; for( my $c = 0; $c < $nColonne; $c++ ) { push @Riga, $RS->Fields($c)->Value; }; lg( ">[$r] " . join( "|", @Riga ) ); $RS->MoveNext; } $RS->MoveFirst; } lg( "N. returned rows: " . $nRighe ); return $RS; } # This logs all activity on a file sub lg() { my ($s) = @_; open F, ">>logfile.txt" or die "$! logfile.txt"; print F $s . "\n"; close F; };