Category: Web stuff
Author/Contact Info Ryan Whitworth
Description: A "smart" client that will update your (or other domain from the company) to your current IP address. Works from behind a NAT (via Only tested under Win32 with Cygnus' Cygwin tools installed. Requires LWP::Simple and Socket.
Updated : removed the call to nslookup thanks to code provided by TheFluffyOne
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use Socket;

my $login = 'test';
my $password = 'test';
my $domain = '';
my $mx = '';

my $ipaddress = LWP::Simple::get("");
if ($ipaddress =~ /([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/) 
  $ipaddress = $1; 

my $nslookup = "";
if ($nslookup = gethostbyname($mx)) {
  $nslookup = inet_ntoa($nslookup);
} else {
  print "Could not resolve domain name, check $domain is correct\n";
  print "Going to try to update information for $domain anyway ...\n";

if ($ipaddress eq $nslookup) {
  print "Nothing to update.  Current IP ($nslookup)";
  print " = DNS address ($ipaddress)\n";

print "Updating the IP address ($ipaddress) now ... \n";

my $response = LWP::Simple::get("http://$login:$password\@" .
"$domain" .

print "Status : $response\n";