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Re: Re: Guidance for a beginner with a bad reputation

by Anonymous Monk
on Nov 06, 2003 at 03:14 UTC ( [id://304935]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Guidance for a beginner with a bad reputation
in thread Guidance for a beginner with a bad reputation

I'd guess this is what motivates people to downvote, that you're asking things which seem pretty obvious/apparent to them. (Every new user is of course, entitled to be clueless, we all were once, but some people don't seem to remember that ,)
ysth has reached the rank of monk, has over 50 nodes to his credit ... if people are downvoting him for asking questions answered in the FAQ, you have to wonder why he still doesn't turn to the FAQ first before asking ?

PS - i don't know if he asked questions like that, but if that's the case, that's something to consider

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