TASdvlper has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I'm trying to use the Net::Telnet module to run a script on a XP machine being executed from a Linux machine and I'm getting the following error.

problem connecting to "IP of XP machine", port 23: Connection refused at line 11

This is my 1st time using the Telnet module so maybe I'm overlooking something (??). I even tried to manually run a telnet to the XP system with no success and the same error message. I'm not sure what to try from here ....

use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; my $t; my $host = "IP of XP machine"; my $perl_path = "/msg/spgear/tools/bin/perl"; my @lines; $t = new Net::Telnet( Timeout => '10') || die "Could not create Telnet + object: $@ -- $!\n"; $t->open($host) || die "Could not open connection to host: $host $@ -- + $!\n";
... rest of program ...