#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # /usr/local/bin/alertlog.pl [log days] [mail address] # use strict; use Time::Local; local (*ALERT, *MAIL); my %errs = (); my $errors = 0; my $errtxt; my $ast; my $astx = 0; my @exclude_list = (1109, 1142, 1145, 1511); my $stanzatime; my @stanza = (); my %months = (Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3, May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7, Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11); my ($mon,$day,$time,$year); my ($hr,$min,$sec); die "No ORACLE_HOME available" unless $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; die "No ORACLE_SID available" unless $ENV{ORACLE_SID}; my $input_dir = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/admin/$ENV{ORACLE_SID}/bdump"; my $input_file = "alert_$ENV{ORACLE_SID}.log"; chdir $input_dir or die "Unable to chdir to ". $input_dir .": $!"; die "Alert log not readable" unless -r $input_file; # set the number of log days to scan. Default=1. my $logdays = (shift @ARGV || 1); # get the mail address if there is one. my $hostname = "from ". (`hostname 2>/dev/null` ||"who"); if (my $mailaddr = shift @ARGV) { open MAIL, "|mail -s \"Nightly Database Alert Logs $hostname\" $mailaddr"; } else { open MAIL, ">&STDOUT"; } # Set ltime to be today less the logdays parm, at this time of day. # Used to capture only current errors my $ltime = time() - (60*60*24*$logdays); print MAIL "\nLogging from " . localtime($ltime) ."\n\n"; foreach my $file (reverse sort <$input_file*>) { open (ALERT, "$file") || die "Can't open $file"; while () { # Extract the most recent date-time stamp from the logfile. if (/^(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)/) { print_and_flush_stanza($stanzatime, $ltime, @stanza) if $stanzatime; @stanza = $_; ($mon,$day,$time,$year) = (split / +/, $_) [1,2,3,4]; ($hr,$min,$sec) = (split /:/, $time); $stanzatime = timelocal($sec,$min,$hr,$day,$months{$mon},$year); } else { push @stanza, $_; } } close (ALERT); } stat("$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/oerr"); # load the filestat info to _ print MAIL "\nOracle Error Count Standard Message Text\n"; print MAIL "------------ ----- ---------------------\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %errs) { if (-x _ ) { ($errtxt) = ((`$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/oerr ora $key`)[0] ||"."); $errtxt =~ s/(^\w+, \w+,) "(.+)"/$2/; chomp($errtxt); } $ast = ""; foreach my $excluded (@exclude_list) { if ($key == $excluded) { $ast = "*"; $astx++; } } printf MAIL "%-12s %5d %s\n", "ORA-$key$ast", $errs{$key}, $errtxt; $errors += $errs{$key}; } print MAIL "------------ -----\n"; printf MAIL "Grand Total %5d\n\n", $errors; print MAIL "* denotes errors on the exclude list.\n\n" if $astx > 0; close MAIL; sub print_and_flush_stanza { my ($dt, $lt, @r) = @_; my $ora_errno = 0; my $ora_err_flag = 0; return if ($dt < $lt); # only look at errors from the last 24 hours foreach my $line (@r) { if (($ora_errno) = $line =~ m/^ORA-(\d+)/) { $ora_errno = sprintf "%05d", $ora_errno; # count errors, but only $errs{$ora_errno}++; # display those not excluded. $ora_err_flag++; # flag it now. foreach my $excluded (@exclude_list) { if ($ora_errno == $excluded) { $ora_err_flag--; # unflag it. >1 means some last; # error is included. } } } } # now print the stanza if there was an error there. if ($ora_err_flag) { foreach my $line (@r) { print MAIL $line; } print MAIL "\n"; } }