And you thought it was weird in English! ~W
#!/usr/bin/perl $toves="slithy"; ($brillig and $toves); while ($wabe) {($gyre and $gimble)} ($borogoves = "mimsy") and ($momeraths = "outgrabe"); beware ("Jabberwock"); $jabberwock{jaws} ="bite"; $jabberwock{claws} ="catch"; beware ("Jub Jub Bird"); shun ("Frumious Bandersnatch"); $boy{carrying} ="vorpal sword"; if ($jabberwock{position} ne "Behind tree") {sleep 3}; if ($jabberwock{position} ne "In cave") {sleep 3}; if ($jabberwock{position} ne "Under rock") {sleep 3}; $boy{position} ="by the Tumtum tree, in thought."; while ($boy{position} eq "standing in uffish thought"){} $jabberwock{eyes} = "flame"; $jabberwock{position} = "Whiffling through the Tulgey wood"; burble; $one; $one++; $one; ($one++ and ($through && $through)); vorpal_blade; $jabberwock="dead"; $boy{carrying}="Jabberwock head"; $boy{position} = "Galumphing back"; if ($jabberwock eq "dead") { $boy{position} = "father's arms"; $father{exclamation} = "Oh Frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"; chortle; } $toves="slithy"; ($brillig and $toves); while ($wabe) {($gyre and $gimble)} ($borogoves = "mimsy") and ($momeraths = "outgrabe"); sub beware { $run_away; $run_away; } sub shun { $point_and_laugh; } sub burble; { print "Glub glub. Roaaaaaaar! Glub glub.\n"; } sub vorpal_blade; { print "Snicker Snack!\n"; } sub chortle; { print "$father{exclamation}\n"; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: The Jabberwock, By Lewis Caroll
by royalanjr (Chaplain) on Aug 29, 2000 at 18:10 UTC
    Great stuff!!!

    Roy Alan