Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info #include

Description: I've always liked the Windows "start" commandline utility. It opens any file passed to it with the appropriate program. For example, issuing "start mysong.mp3" will open "mysong.mp3" with the default MP3 player, etc. "start" is my attempt to write a similar utility for *NIX systems. "start" uses the GNU utility "file" to determine a file's MIME type, and looks in a local flatfile database for a "command association" (in other words, the program that that MIME type is assigned to). If there isn't an entry present, it asks the user for a program to associate with that MIME type. "start" can be run in commandline mode, or (if you start it with the "-g" flag and no other arguments) it can be used with a Tk GUI. POD documentation has been included. Heavily commented.

REQUIREMENTS: GNU utility file, Perl, Tk

# start
# =========================================
#              INFORMATION
# =========================================
# Author: Dan Hetrick
# Revision: 0.41
# License: GPL
# Platform: *NIX
# =========================================
#              REQUIREMENTS
# =========================================
# Perl
# file (*NIX utility)
# Perl/Tk
# =========================================
#              DESCRIPTION
# =========================================
# Opens an applications with different
# applications depending on it's MIME type.
# It stores the user's MIME-executable
# association in a flatfile database
# in the user's home directory.
# If a MIME type is encountered that
# doesn't have a database entry, start
# displays a dialog for the user to
# enter a command association.
# Commands are entered in this format:
# <command>
# The filename is appended to the command
# when an associated file is open.
# Example:
# You try to open a file with a MIME type
# of 'text/ascii'.  It's not in the
# database, so the program prompts you
# for a command.  You want to open text
# files with 'vi', so you enter this as the
# command:
# vi
# The program then executes 'vi filename'
# to open the file.  If you want the
# program to detach from the console,
# add an exclamation point to the command:
# !xmms
# This will execute 'xmms filename &'.
# =========================================
#                 USAGE
# =========================================
# To use as a commandline tool:
# $ start <filename>
# To use as a GUI tool:
# $ start -gui   -or-   start -g
# =========================================
#                 CHANGELOG
# =========================================
# Version 0.41
#      - Refined the display modes.  The commandline
#        mode now ONLY uses STDIN/STDOUT for display,
#        and GUI mode uses Tk dialogs to get user
#        input.
#      - No longer exits after it creates its
#        initial database.
#      - Added the changelog to the script source.
#      - Added more comments to the source code.
#      - Fixed some spelling problems in the
#        documentation, and changed the "Installation"
#        section.
#      - Changed the way the program stores associations.
#        When it stores a MIME type/command, it will
#        try to open the file with the associated
#        command rather than exiting (as it did in 0.4).
#      - Now tells the user when it creates a blank
#        database.
#      - Added application name, version, and
#        copyleft info to the GUI displays and
#        the commandline display.
#      - Cleaned up and refined the GUI
#      - Fixed some bugs in command storage
#      - Executable files that are passed to start
#        are now exec'ed, rather than ran against
#        the association database
# Version 0.4
#      - Initial release.
#      - Uses Version 0.1 of the start installer.
# =========================================
#              SCRIPT BEGIN
# =========================================
# Set some miscellaneous variables
my $APPNAME="start"; # Application name
my $VERSION="0.41"; # Version
my $APPDB="$ENV{HOME}/.start_mass"; # The location of the MIME databas
my $GUI_MODE=0; # Use Tk dialogs ONLY

# Sets commandline interface for the default

# Check to see if a database is present,
# and if not, create one before we continue
if(-e "$APPDB"){}else{ CreateDatabase(); }

# Check to see if there's enough arguments,
# print the usage and exit if not.
if( ($#ARGV!=0) && (-e "$APPDB") )

# Check if we're running in commandline or GUI mode
if($ARGV[0]=~/-g/) { $DISPLAY_MODE=$GUI_MODE; GUI_OpenApplication(); }
+ else { $DISPLAY_MODE=$CL_MODE; OpenApplication($ARGV[0]); }

# =========================================
#               SCRIPT END
# =========================================
# =========================================
# =========================================
# =========================================
# =========================================
# ================
# CreateDatabase()
# ================
# Creates a blank MIME database in the user's HOME directory
# =======
# Usage()
# =======
# Prints usage information to STDOUT and exits
# ==========================
# OpenApplication($filename)
# ==========================
# Opens a file with its associated application,
# prompting the user for an association if there
# isn't one in the database
# ================================
# ProcessCommand(command,filename)
# ================================
# This 'parses' the associated command, and returns a complete
# commandline to be executed.
# ==============================================
# AddApplication($mime_type,$associated_command)
# ==============================================
# Adds a MIME type and its associated command
# to the MIME database
# ========================
# GUI_GetInput($mime_type)
# ========================
# Gets a command from the user to associate with
# a MIME type, using a Tk GUI, then opens the
# file with the associated command.
# =======================
# CL_GetInput($mime_type)
# =======================
# Gets a command from the user to associate with
# a MIME type, STDIN/STDOUT, then opens the file
# with the associated command.
# =====================
# GUI_OpenApplication()
# =====================
# Uses a Tk GUI to interface the
# OpenApplication() subroutine
# =========================================
# =========================================
# ================
# CreateDatabase()
# ================
# Arguments: None
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Creates a blank database for
#              start to use in the user's
#              HOME directory.
sub CreateDatabase
    print "Creating user database ($APPDB)...";
    print APPDEF "# $APPNAME $VERSION\n# MIME Type Database\n# Do not 
    close APPDEF;
    print "done!\n";

# ================
# Usage()
# ================
# Arguments: None
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Prints usage information to
#              STDOUT, then exits.
sub Usage
    print "\n$APPNAME $VERSION\n";
    print "(c)Copyleft Dan Hetrick 2003\n\n";
    print "Commandline Mode:\nstart <filename>\n\n";
    print "GUI Mode:\nstart -gui\n\n";

# ================
# OpenApplication()
# ================
# Arguments: Filename
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Uses 'file' to get a Filename's
#              MIME type, and looks it up in
#              the database.  If there's no
#              entry, it calls GUI_GetInput().
sub OpenApplication
    if( (-e "$APPDB") && (-e "$filename") )
        $mime_type=`file -ib $filename`;
        chomp $mime_type;
        # Check to see if the file
        # is executable;  if so,
        # execute it
            exec "$filename";
        } else {
            close APPDEF;
            foreach $ad (@appdat)
                if (index($ad,"#")==0) { next; }
                    my @apd=split('==',$ad);
                    chomp $happ;
                    my $com=ProcessCommand($happ,$filename);
                    exec "$com";
            # MIME type not found
            # Get user input to associate a
            # command with the MIME type
            } else {


# ================
# ProcessCommand()
# ================
# Arguments: Command,Filename
# Returns: Executable commandline
# Description: This 'parses' the associated
#              command, and returns a complete
#              commandline.
sub ProcessCommand
    if (index($cmdline,"!")==0) # detatch command
        my $rcm=substr($cmdline,1);
        return "$rcm $filename&";
    } else {
        return "$cmdline $filename";

# ================
# AddApplication()
# ================
# Arguments: MIME type, Command
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Adds a MIME type and its
#              associated command to the user's
#              start database.
sub AddApplication
    print APPDEF "$mime_type==$file_command\n";
    close APPDEF;

# ================
# GUI_GetInput()
# ================
# Arguments: MIME type, filename
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Prompts the user for a command to
#              associate with a MIME type,
#              then writes them both to the
#              database with AddApplication().
#              Then, it opens the file with
#              OpenApplication().
sub GUI_GetInput
    use Tk;
    my $mw = MainWindow->new();
    $mw->title("Enter Command");
    $mw->Label(-text=>"Please enter a command to associate with this M
+IME type:")->pack();
    $mw->Entry(-width => 25, -textvariable, \$incom)->pack(-anchor => 
    $mw->Label(-text=>"Start with a ! to detach from console.")->pack(
    $mw->Button(-text => "Ok",
            -command => sub { AddApplication($mime_type,$incom); OpenA
+pplication($filename); } )
            ->pack(-side => 'top',
            -anchor => 'nw',-fill=>'x');
    $mw->Button(-text => "Cancel",
            -command => sub { exit; })
            ->pack(-side => 'top',
            -anchor => 'nw',-fill=>'x');

# ================
# CL_GetInput()
# ================
# Arguments: MIME type
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Prompts the user for a command to
#              associate with a MIME type,
#              then writes them both to the
#              database with AddApplication().
#              Then, it opens the file with
#              OpenApplication().
sub CL_GetInput
    print "$APPNAME $VERSION\n";
    print "(c)Copyleft Dan Hetrick 2003\n\n";
    print "Please enter a command to associate with this MIME type:\n"
    print "$mime_type\n";
    print "Start with a ! to detach from console\n";
    print "\nCommand: ";
    my $in_command=<STDIN>;
    print "Adding command to database...";
    print "done!\nOpening $filename...\n";

# ================
# GUI_OpenApplication()
# ================
# Arguments: None
# Returns: Nothing
# Description: Prompts the user for a filename
#              to open with OpenApplication().
sub GUI_OpenApplication
    use Tk;
    my $mw = MainWindow->new();
    $mw->title("$APPNAME $VERSION");
    $mw->Label(-text=>"Open File...")->pack(-fill=>'x',-side=>"left");
    $mw->Entry(-width => 40, -textvariable, \$text)->pack(-anchor => '
    $mw->Button(-text => "Ok",
            -command => sub { OpenApplication($text); } )
            ->pack(-side => 'top',
            -anchor => 'nw',-fill=>'x',-side=>"left");
    $mw->Button(-text => "Cancel",
            -command => sub { exit; })
            ->pack(-side => 'top',
            -anchor => 'nw',-fill=>'x',-side=>"left");
# =========================================
# =========================================


=head1 NAME


A utility to open files with the user's choice of
application, for *NIX.  Based on the Windows
"start" commandline utility.

=head1 VERSION


=head1 USAGE

Commandline mode:

C<$ start I<filename>>

Graphical mode:

C<$ start -g>


C<$ start -gui>


Opens an applications with different applications depending on it's MI
+ME type.  It stores the user's MIME-executable association in a flatf
+ile database in the user's home directory.  If a MIME type is encount
+ered that doesn't have a database entry, start displays a dialog for 
+the user to enter a command association.  Commands are entered in thi
+s format:


Put a "!" in front of the command if you want to detach it from the co

Example:  You want to open a file with a MIME type of "text/ascii".  T
+o open it with 'vi', you'd enter the command:


If you wanted it to open in KEdit, and detach it from the console, you
+'d enter the command:



Copy B<start> to any directory on your PATH.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dan "Wraithnix" Hetrick

=head1 CONTACT

AIM: C<Wraithnix>

ICQ: C<28499891>

IRC: C<, #shogomad>

Yahoo! Instant Messenger: C<smoking_crack_with_jesus>

Email: C<dhetrick at riotmod dot com>.



B<Version 0.41>

Refined the display modes.  The commandline mode now ONLY uses STDIN/S
+TDOUT for display, and GUI mode uses Tk dialogs to get user input.

No longer exits after it creates its initial database.

Added the changelog to the script source.

Added more comments to the source code.

Fixed some spelling problems in the documentation, and changed the "In
+stallation" section.

Changed the way the program stores associations.  When it stores a MIM
+E type/command, it will try to open the file with the associated comm
+and rather than exiting (as it did in 0.4).

Now tells the user when it creates a blank database.

Added application name, version, and copyleft info to the GUI displays
+ and the commandline display.

Cleaned up and refined the GUI.

Fixed some bugs in command storage.

Executable files that are passed to start are now exec'ed, rather than
+ ran against the association database

B<Version 0.4>

Initial release.

Uses Version 0.1 of the start installer.


Free, free, free.

This program is free software, and is released under the GPL.

The author is not responsible for any use of this software, nor is he 
for anything the use of this software does to the user's computer.
Any use of this software, in I<any> way, including viewing its source 
+code, implies
agreement with the previous statement.