#!/usr/local/bin/perl ################################################# # hanoi.pl # translated from C++ to Perl by Jeff Anderson # original C++ code by Brenda Parker ################################################# #recursive function sub Hanoi { local($number, $from, $to, $aux); ($number, $from, $to, $aux) = @_; if ($number == 1) { print "Move 1 from $from to $to
"; } elsif ($number != 0) { &Hanoi($number-1,$from,$aux,$to); print "Move $number from $from to $to
"; &Hanoi($number-1,$aux,$to,$from); } } #this library contains the function &GetFormInput which reads #and parses the form data require('libs/forms-lib.pl'); #read input from the form %input = &GetFormInput(); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $number = $input{'pegs'}; unless ($number =~ /^[0-1]?[0-9]$/) { print "Numeric, not alpha-numeric!
"; exit; } print <<"EOM"; Towers Result EOM if ($number < 1) { print "You are really cruel, zero pegs. Go away.
"; } elsif ($number > 15) { print "I said 15 is the max, go tie up your own processor!
"; } else { print "For $number pegs:

"; &Hanoi($number,'A','B','C'); } print <<"EOM"; EOM