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Re: Re: log4perl question

by leriksen (Curate)
on Sep 18, 2003 at 00:42 UTC ( [id://292285]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: log4perl question
in thread log4perl question

And that is why recently I started to not even have a root logger - to avoid the double logging that you mention.
I did this as an experiment with some code I am writing now - and it seems to work fabulously well
# set your logger here # Note - no root logger - this is not always what you want # but at this early stage of developement, is good enough #log4perl.logger=INFO, A1 log4perl.logger.WSR_Generator._create_wsr_document=INFO, A1 #log4perl.logger.WSR_Utils.form_order=DEBUG, A1 #log4perl.logger.WSR_New_Worker_Return.create_wsr_records=DEBUG, A1 #configure SCREEN logger log4perl.appender.A1=Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.A1.min_level=debug log4perl.appender.A1.stderr=1 log4perl.appender.A1.layout=Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5.5p - %M - %m%n

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