in reply to Unsorted IP Addr list to sorted IP list with ranges

I've never gotten around to doing this programaticaly, but I suspect that one of the following modules (or a combination) might maybe do what you're looking for.   I've sorted the following list with what looks to be more promising modules first: Wish I could provide more concrete help, but I hope this is beneficial in some small way.   %^P

  striving toward Perl Adept
  (it's pronounced "why-bick")

Update: Fwiw, I found these modules through using these terms: netmask, subnet, ip address, and cidr.

Update II: Anonymonk provides below what was beginning to percolate into my brain - that is, convert the dotted quad addresses to their (real) binary values, then sort and look for sequential blocks.   ++anonymonk.

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