I needed a simple login dialog from my main program, and decided to try WxPerl. Its mostly derived from Jouke's Tutorial examples, but I needed to figure out how to add a couple of other things to it. I require this module only if needed, since I know in advance some user/passwords, and the module portion of the code is installed somewhere in @INC as

TBD: I gather from mailing archives that since I'm setting the focus on a text control before the window is opened, that it might be better to set it in an EVT_UPDATE_UI handler (though it works as-is for me), but I'm not quite sure how to go about is appreciated :-)

Updated w/PodMaster's comments as I understand them. The change in SetFocus and use of EVT_UPDATE_UI became necesssary after the change from a Frame to a Dialog. Also, it's interesting that I don't even have to call Wx's MainLoop now...

Update: Agghhh, EVT_UPDATE_UI broke it. I just don't understand how to use that event handler yet...

Update: I think it works now...they only other thing I'd like to do is replace that $done flag in the code with something so that the handler uninstalls this space...

Changed EVT_UPDATE_UI to EVT_ACTIVATE. The former handler was being called over one hundred times, while the latter is only called ~3 times. Still it'd be nice if it were possible to have a handler uninstall itself...not sure if that's possible.

Final update(!): Found out how to disconnect event handler, but had to change back to EVT_UPDATE_UI, as the focus wouldn't get set in EVT_ACTIVATE if I disconnected it while executing the handler.

#!/usr/bin/perl # # For simple login dialog # See example at bottom of file # use strict; use Wx; ########################################################### # # Extend the Frame class to our needs # package Wx::Perl::LoginDialog; use Wx qw( wxTE_PASSWORD wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER ); use Wx::Event qw( EVT_BUTTON EVT_TEXT_ENTER EVT_UPDATE_UI ); use base qw/Wx::Dialog/; sub new { my $class = shift; my $user = shift; my $passwd = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{user_out} = $user; $self->{passwd_out} = $passwd; $self->{UserLabel} = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, # parent -1, # id "User:", # label [10, 30] # position ); $self->{PasswdLabel} = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, # parent -1, # id "Password:",# label [10, 50] # position ); $self->{User} = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $self, -1, ${$self->{user_out}} || "", [70,30], [70,20], wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER, ); $self->{Passwd} = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $self, 2, ${$self->{passwd_out}} || "", [70,50], [70,20], wxTE_PASSWORD | wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER, ); $self->{Login} = Wx::Button->new( $self, 1, "Login", [20,90], ); $self->{Cancel} = Wx::Button->new( $self, 2, "Cancel", [90,90], ); EVT_UPDATE_UI( $self, -1, sub { $self->{Passwd}->SetFocus if $$user; EVT_UPDATE_UI($self, -1, undef); } ); EVT_BUTTON( $self, # Object to bind to 1, # ButtonID \&Login ); EVT_BUTTON( $self, # Object to bind to 2, # ButtonID \&CancelLogin # Subroutine to execute ); EVT_TEXT_ENTER( $self, -1, \&Login ); $self->{Passwd}->SetFocus if $$user; return $self; } sub Login { my $self = shift; ${$self->{user_out}} = $self->{User}->GetValue; ${$self->{passwd_out}} = $self->{Passwd}->GetValue; $self->EndModal(1); } sub CancelLogin { my $self = shift; $self->EndModal(0); } ########################################################### # package Wx::Perl::LoginWindow; use base qw(Wx::App); # Inherit from Wx::App use Wx qw(wxCAPTION wxSYSTEM_MENU); our ($user, $passwd, $ok); sub BindVars { my $self = shift; ($user, $passwd, $ok) = @_; $self; } sub OnInit { my $self = shift; $$ok = Wx::Perl::LoginDialog->new( $user, $passwd, undef, # Parent window -1, # Window id 'Login', # Title [200,200], # position X, Y [200,150], # size X, Y wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU )->ShowModal; 0; } package LoginDialog; sub get_login { shift; my $ok; my $app = eval { Wx::Perl::LoginWindow->BindVars(@_, \$ok)->new }; die $@ unless $@ =~ "OnInit must return a true return value"; $ok; } 1; ########################################################### # # The main program # package main; unless( caller ){ if( @ARGV ) { LoginDialog->get_login(\my ($user, $passwd)); die "USER $user\n\nPASS $passwd\n\n"; } else { # Use defaults if available: my ($user, $passwd) = @ARGV; # Default either one if desired $user = 'username'; unless ($user and $passwd) { # require LoginDialog; LoginDialog->get_login(\($user, $passwd)); } } }