in reply to (Golf) Ascii table


perl -e'$,=$";@a=(0..9,A..F);print" "x4,@a,$/,map{$_."0:",map(chr$b++,@a),$/}@a'

If there's a prob with the leading spaces, 75:

perl -e'$,=$";@a=(0..9,A..F);print" "x3,@a,$/,map{"\r$_"."0:",map(chr$b++,@a),$/}@a'

And my first version because I liked it :), 77 including the l:

perl -le'@a=(0..9,A..F);sub a{print"@_"};a" "x3,@a;for$a(@a){a$a."0:",map chr$b++,@a}'

If anyone finds that these don't work elsewhere (I'm testing on FreeBSD 4.6 with perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0), I'd appreciate it if you'd comment :)

The first rule of Perl club is - use Perl
ith rule of Perl club is - follow rule i - 1 for i > 1