I admit it, I'm one of those annoying people who will interrupt a conversation to point out spelling errors. I try to be discreet and mean no offense; my parents raised me to prefer a friendly correction once than to make the same mistake in more important settings.

However, blogs and other online forums are typically filled with egregious and repetitive and predictable errors. If only I could hide the errors from my browser, I would remain mellow and calm while the rest of the world's grammar decline went unchecked.

I pondered aloud to some friends about the best way to put a search-and-replace filter into my favorite web browser, and somebody suggested HTTP::Proxy.

This is scratch code without documentation. I've only tested this on Linux. The simplistic filter has trouble in rare cases where a typo is found inside tag attributes. I filtered a word processor's auto-corrections file and added a few blog-common errors myself. I stripped out any non-ASCII fixes for simplicity. To use it, run this typoxy proxy in the background and configure your browser to access the web through it.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #use Data::Dumper; my $Port = 8080; my $Highlight = 1; #---------------------------------------------------------- my $Pre = $Highlight? '<span style="background: #ffffcc; color: #800000">' : ''; my $Post = $Highlight? '</span>' : ''; my @Typos = (); open(TYPO, "$ENV{HOME}/.typo") and do { @Typos = (); while (<TYPO>) { chomp; my ($wrong, $right) = split /\t+/; next if not $right; next if length($wrong) < 2; push(@Typos, [ $wrong, $right ]); push(@Typos, [ ucfirst($wrong), ucfirst($right) ]) if ucfirst($wrong) ne $wrong; } close(TYPO); }; die "No typos loaded from ~/.typo.\n" if not @Typos; print STDERR "$0: ", scalar @Typos, " typos filtered on port $Port.\n" +; # Longer corrections first. @Typos = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map { [ length($_->[0]), $_ ] } @Typos; # Spaces are lenient. $_->[0] =~ s/ \s+ /\\s+/gx foreach @Typos; # Precompile the correction patterns. $_->[0] = qr/ (?<! [<>] ) \b ( $_->[0] ) \b/x foreach @Typos; #print Dumper $Typos[0], $Typos[-1]; #---------------------------------------------------------- use HTTP::Proxy; my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new(port => $Port); $proxy->push_body_filter( response => \&typo_filter ); $proxy->start(); #---------------------------------------------------------- sub typo_filter { foreach (@Typos) { ${$_[0]} =~ s|$_->[0]|$Pre$_->[1]$Post|g; } }

Without benchmarking, it seems to affect connect times more than it affects actual rendering time, even with 900+ typos in the ~/.typo configuration file. A sample typo list is; it's just a list of tab-delimited lines: "definatly\tdefinitely\n". It's set to highlight errors in red on yellow (so you can see it working), but turning that off is a trivial parameter.

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Typoxy: A Pox on Typos by Proxy
by Not_a_Number (Prior) on Aug 13, 2003 at 13:57 UTC

    I'm one of those annoying people who will interrupt a conversation to point out spelling errors.


    Your acquaintances make spelling mistakes when they're talking? ;-)

    Nice idea though ++

Re: Typoxy: A Pox on Typos by Proxy
by benn (Vicar) on Aug 14, 2003 at 11:06 UTC
    Luvelly. I sea ewe hafe "could of" and "should of" in their two - thay (along wiv 'loose' four 'lose') ar definatly mi bigest bugbares.

    :) Ben.