Category: HTML Utility
Author/Contact Info Ovid

At my last job, we had a problem whereby many static HTML documents needed their footer replaced with a server side include, but the documents had been coded by hand and the HTML in the footers was very irregular. Because there were hundreds of documents, I wrote the following tool to allow for bulk matching and replacing of messy HTML. It's more powerful than you might think, so please read the POD for more information. The actual code is a wee bit sloppy as I had to get this written quickly. This is real, live production code from yours truly :)

Many thanks to ONSITE! Technology, Inc. for giving me permission to release this as open source.

(Trivia note: this program inspired $bad_names eq $bad_design)


use warnings;
use strict;

use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTML::TokeParser::Simple 1.4;
use Pod::Usage;

my $VERBOSE = 1;

  'help|?'     => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2);exit } ,
  'config=s'   => \my $CONFIG,
  'backup=s'   => \my $BACKUP,
  'verbose!'   => \$VERBOSE,
  'quiet'      => sub { $VERBOSE = 0 },
  'debug'      => \my $DEBUGGING,
  'ordered'    => \my $ORDERED_ATTRIBUTES,
  'ignore'     => \my $IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES,
  'text'       => \my $MATCH_TEXT,
  'fuzzy'      => \my $FUZZY_MATCH

backup_dir( $BACKUP );
$BACKUP .= '/' unless substr( $BACKUP, -1 ) =~ /\//;

my %CONFIG = read_config( $CONFIG );
if ( $DEBUGGING ) {
  no warnings 'once';
  require Data::Dumper;
  print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%CONFIG], ['*CONFIG']);


@ARGV = map { glob $_ } @ARGV;

foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
  print "Processing ($file)...\n" if $VERBOSE;
   backup_file( $file, $BACKUP );
  $REPLACEMENTS{$file} = 0;

  open HTML, '+<', $file or die "Can't open ($file) for updating: $!";

  my $html = parse_document( *HTML,$file ); 
  print "\t$REPLACEMENTS{$file} replacement(s) made to ($file)\n" if $

  if ( $REPLACEMENTS{$file} ) {
    seek     HTML, 0, 0        or die "Can't seek to start of ($file):
+ $!";
    print    HTML $html;
    truncate HTML, tell(HTML)  or die "Can't truncate ($file): $!";
  if ( $DEBUGGING ) {
    print $html;
  close    HTML;

sub parse_document {
  my ($fh,$file) = @_;
  my $parser = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( $fh );
  my $html = '';
  while ( my $token = $parser->get_token ) {
    if( stacks_match( $parser, $CONFIG{stack} ) ) {
      $html .= $CONFIG{new};
    else {
      $html .= $token->as_is;
  return $html;

sub stacks_match {
  # if the stack matches the current token stream, return true and lea
+ve the
  # parser at the end of the stream match.  If it doesn't match, set t
  # parser to its original state and return false.
  my ($parser,$stack) = @_;
  my $stacks_match    = 1;
  my @current_stack;
  for my $i ( 0 .. $#$stack ) {
    my $token   = $parser->get_token;
    unless ($token) {
      # we've reached the end of the document and thus cannot match
    push @current_stack => $token;

    $stacks_match = tokens_match($token,$stack->[$i]);

    unless ($stacks_match) {
      # stacks didn't match.  Restore state and return
      if ( $DEBUGGING ) {
        print "\n*** Current stack match failed:\n\n";
        print Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@current_stack), "\n";
  if ( $DEBUGGING ) {
    print "\n*** Matched this stack against config stack:\n\n";
    print Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@current_stack), "\n";
  return 1;

sub munge_text {
  my $text = shift;
  $text    =~ s/\W//g;
  return lc $text;

sub tokens_match {
  my ($token,$stack_token) = @_;

  if ( $token->[0] ne $stack_token->[0] ) {
    # token types did not match
  elsif ($token->is_tag) {
    return token_as_string($token) eq token_as_string($stack_token);
  elsif ($MATCH_TEXT) {
    my $curr_text  = $token->return_text;
    my $stack_text = $stack_token->return_text;
    if ($FUZZY_MATCH) {
      $curr_text  = munge_text( $curr_text );
      $stack_text = munge_text( $stack_text );
    if ( $curr_text =~ /\S/ or $stack_text =~ /\S/ ) {
      return $curr_text eq $stack_text;
  else {
    # we're ignoring whatever it is, so it's an automatic match
    return 1;

sub read_config {
  my $file = shift;

  my %allowed = map {$_=>1} qw(old new);
  open CONFIG, "<", $file or die "Cannot read ($file): $!";
  my %config;
  local $_;
  my ($section,$old_section) = ('','');
  while (<CONFIG>) {
    next unless /\S/;
    if ( /^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$/ ) { # [$section]
      $section = $1;
      die "Unknown section ($section) in config file ($file)" 
        unless exists $allowed{$section};
      $config{$section} = '';
    $config{$section} .= $_;
  chomp foreach values %config;
  close CONFIG;
  return add_stack( %config );

sub add_stack {
  my %config = @_;
  my $html = $config{old};
  $config{stack} = [];
  my $parser = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( \$html );
  while ( my $token = $parser->get_token ) {
    push @{$config{stack}} => $token;
  delete $config{old};
  return %config;

sub token_as_string {
  # so far, this is fairly simple.  It merely "stringifies" the tag ty
  # and attributes.  This may change in the future.
  my $token = shift;

  my $sequence   = $token->return_attrseq;
  return canonical_tag($token) unless $sequence && ! $IGNORE_ATTRIBUTE
  @$sequence     = sort @$sequence unless $ORDERED_ATTRIBUTES;
  my $attributes = $token->return_attr;
  my $results    = '';

  foreach my $attr (@$sequence) {
    $results .= $attr . $attributes->{$attr};
  return canonical_tag($token).$results;

sub backup_dir {
  my $dir = shift || die pod2usage();
  unless ( -d $dir ) {
    mkdir $dir or die "Could not makedir ($dir): $!";

sub canonical_tag {
  # prepends a backslash
  my $token = shift;
  my $tag   = $token->return_tag;
  $tag      = "/$tag" if $token->is_end_tag and '/' ne substr $tag, 0,
+ 1;
  return $tag;

sub backup_file {
  my ($file,$backup) = @_;
  if ( -e $file ) {
    copy( $file, "$backup$file" ) 
      or die "Could not copy ($file) to ($backup): $!";\
    return 1;
  else {
    warn "\tWARNING:  File ($file) does not exist in (",cwd,")\n";


=head1 NAME

htmlreplace -- A simple HTML replacement tool


B<htmlreplace --help> for more information
    htmlreplace [options] [filenames]


    --help             Display POD
    --?                Same as --help
    --verbose          List files while processing them (default)
                       Will also list number of substitutions made.
    --noverbose        Turn off --verbose
    --quiet            Same as --noverbose
    --config *file*    Location of config file
    --backup *dir*     The directory to back up the files to
    --text             Match text (default is off -- only check struct
    --fuzzy            Same as --text, but matching is more robust (se
+e below)
    --ignore           Use this to ignore attributes
    --ordered          If specified, attributes must appear in the sam
                       order in both the config html and the target ht
                       Default is unordered.
    --debug            This will dump the config token stack to STDOUT


This program allows a the user to create a simple configuration file t
+hat will
define HTML snippets and the replacement text for them.  Then, a list 
+of file
names will be iterated over, checking the HTML and if any correspondin
is found, will replace the HTML as specified in the config file


=head2 Configuration File

The config file takes two tokes, which should be on lines by themselve
C<[old]> and C<[new]>.  After the C<[new]> token, add the text that yo
+u wish to
replace the HTML with.  After the C<[old]> token, add the HTML that th
+e program
must search for and replace.

An example configuration file named I<copyright.cfg>:

 <!--#include virtual="includes/copyright" -->
     <td class="copyright">&copy; 2002 by Some Company, INC.</td>

This program parses the HTML into tokens, so whitespace is not importa
+nt with

To use the above config file with a backup directory named I<old>:

 htmlreplace --config copyright.cfg --backup old *.html

Command line options may also be shortened to the smallest number of l
necessary to distinguish them from other options.  Thus, the above can
+ be
written as follows:

 htmlreplace -c copyright.cfg -b old *.html

=head2 Attribute handling

Attributes are the name/value pairs associated with HTML start tags.  
example, the following tag has an attribute name of I<class> with a va
+lue of

 <p class="foobar">

Many tags will have multiple attributes.

 <img src="check.gif" height="13" width="12" alt="Check Gif">
By default, attributes of start tags do not need to appear in the same
+ order
in the sample HTML and the HTML being examined.  The following two C<i
+mg> tags
are equivalent:

 <img src="foo" height="13" width="13" alt="foo">
 <img height="13" width="13" alt="foo" src="foo">

If attribute order is important, you may use the I<--ordered> switch (

 htmlreplace --ordered --config copyright.cgi --backup old *.html

If you wish to ignore attributes and simply ensure that the order of t
+he tags
is correct, use the I<--ignore> (I<-i>) switch.
 htmlreplace --ordered --ignore --config copyright.cgi --backup old *.

=head2 Matching Text

By default, C<htmlreplace> only matches the structure of the document,
+ not the
text.  To match text, use the I<--text> (I<-t>) switch.  This will ens
+ure an
exact match of the text (but skips any text that is pure whitespace).

If the text might be a little off, such as unusual capitalization, ext
+ra white
space, etc., you can use the I<--fuzzy> (I<-f>) switch instead.  This 
match text if the source and target texts match after all "non-word" 
(C</\W/>) characters are removed and all letters have been lower-cased


Copyright (c) 2001 Curtis "Ovid" Poe.  All rights reserved.  

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify i
+t under
the same terms as Perl itself.