Just a couple of ideas to noodle around:

  1. Use linking to affect the vote on nodes, similar to what Google would do. The more nodes that link to a particular node, the more bonus ++ votes it gets. Obviously some potential for misuse, but it could be interesting.

    Alternatively, just create stats for the most linked-to nodes. In either case, this would probably have to rule out nodes like home nodes, site docs, etc.

  2. Have the votes of experienced users carry more weight in voting. ie. when a saint votes ++ on a node it has a 100% chance of XP increase, whereas for a Monk it is 50/50, and a low-level user is the usual 33% chance.

    An alternative to this would be to have higher-level users be able to expend multiple (say up to three) votes on a particular node, should they so choose.
