in reply to Re: Why mod_perl is good for PHP
in thread Why mod_perl is good for PHP

merlyn has talked about writing an aricle/guide/whatever on how to setup Template Toolkit 2 in a mod_perl environment to replace php. Since users aren't writing perl directly, the potential for users mucking up other users programs goes down ... it's not a bad idea (for ISPs or anyone who can't run a server per user...).

As to your troll comments, I don't think it's a troll (but I do think it may be somebody trying to persuade merlyn to write this already in a somewhat subtle manner).

MJD says "you can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, retardo!"
I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6.x and 5.8.x -- I take requests (README).
** The third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.