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Quantum Key Distribution

by chunlou (Curate)
on Aug 01, 2003 at 10:47 UTC ( [id://279923]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Intrigued by Tied and Entangled, Quantum fun., thought I might try playing with the simulation of quantum key distribution in Perl. Purely theoretical stuff unless you have "quantum channel" to transmit your data (which usually means a channel, such as fiber optic, that can transmit photons). Nonetheless the theoretical insight still offers some practical inspiration.

Real Quick Rundown

Consider the following Perl script (the entire modules are enclosed at the end of this writing).

use strict; use warnings; use QKey qw/ randseq quantumencode analyze ynseq bobkey alicekey /; # Alice my @randseq = randseq(43); my @quantumencode = quantumencode(@randseq); # Bob my @analyze = analyze(@quantumencode); my @ynseq = ynseq(@analyze); my @bobkey = bobkey(@analyze); # Alice my @alicekey = alicekey(\@ynseq, \@randseq); print "@bobkey\n"; print "@alicekey\n"; __END__ 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Alice wants to share an encryption key with Bob. The data transmission channels are always being listened to by eavesdroppers. Alice will need to send Bob some data first. Upon receiving those data and based on them, Bob generates a key and sends Alice back some pertaining information such that she can generate a key same as his.

Alice first generates a sequence of 43 random bits (0 or 1) with randseq(43), or however long. Then she quantum-encodes the bits into quantum states with quantumencode(@randseq) (in real life this would correspond to, for example, polarized photons). After that, she will transmit the quantum states (or quantum bits) via a quantum channel (such as fiber optic) to Bob.

Quantum encoding has at least two anti-hacking advantages:

  • If an eavesdropper "looks" into the quantum states, the states collapse (a quantum mechanics' law). It renders useless to Bob. He can't generate key. The eavesdropper gains nothing.
  • If the eavesdropper just "analyzes" the states, it could disturb the transmission with high probability (not simulated in the Perl code) and cause Bob and hence Alice errors when generating their keys. They can't transmit secret messages if their keys are broken. The eavedropper again gains nothing. Besides, such errors can be mathematically and statistically detected to determine if it's due to normal noise in the channel or outside interference.

Bob "analyzes" the quantum-encoded bits with analyze(@quantumencode). Without explaining the details, the "analysis" process is basically equivalent to randomly select a subset from Alice's quantum bits and therefore the corresponding original bits, with the result @bobkey = bobkey(@analyze). Bob will mark the positions from which he selects his bits with ynseq(@analyze) as a Y/N sequence. Bob will then send the Y/N sequence to Alice via regular channel.

Alice then uses the Y/N sequence to locate the subset from her original random bits to produce her key, which will be identical to Bob's.

Notice, what being sent via public channels are quantum bits by Alice through quantum channel and Y/N sequence by Bob through regular channel. It is highly unlikely for an eavesdropper to be able to replicate a key based on the quantum bits and the Y/N sequence alone.

It's partly because quantum bits don't correspond to the original bits deterministically but probabilistically (a quantum's law). There're also two additional randomizations occur during Bob's "analysis;" one by design, another by nature (quantum mechanics).

The design part is that Bob has an "analyzer" corresponding to bit 0 and another to bit 1. Bob selects one of the two analyzers randomly when analyzing each quantum bit sent by Alice.

If the bit 0 analyzer happens to analyze a quantum bit corresponding to bit 0 from Alice's original random bits, there will be 50/50 chances the analyzer will declare a match, due to quantum's law, and put a corresponding Y in the Y/N sequence. Same with bit 1 matches. If not a match, both analyzers will declare N with probability one.

Hence, in a way, the multiple randomizations that occur naturally and artificially during the key distribution process make it very hard to hack.


Preskill, John. Lecture Notes for Physics 229: Quantum Information and Computation. Caltech, 1998.

Roychowdhury, Vwani P. "Tutorial on Quantum Computing: Lecture 1." Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA.

Code Appendix

package QKey; use strict; use Exporter; use Math::MatrixReal; use QStuff qw(entangle); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(randseq quantumencode analyze ynseq bobkey aliceke +y %ms); our %ms; # seq of measurements used sub randseq { map{int rand(2)} 1..($_[0]) } # Alice sub quantumencode { # Alice map { $_ ? entangle(1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 1) : entangle(1, 0, +0, 1) } @_ } # measurements(@quantumEncode): seq of measurements gonna use sub _measurements { # Bob my $ms = {}; $ms->{ms} = [ entangle(1/sqrt(2), 0, -1/sqrt(2), 1), entangle(0, 0 +, 1, 1) ]; $ms->{seq} = [ map{int rand(2)} 0..$#_ ]; return $ms; } # analyze(@quantumEncode): return measurement results sub analyze { # Bob %ms = %{_measurements(@_)}; map{ $_[$_]->proj($ms{ms}[$ms{seq}[$_]]) } 0..$#_; } # ynseq(@analyze): return y/n seq of "results" sub ynseq { # Bob map{ $_->cmpquanta($ms{ms}[0]) or $_->cmpquanta($ms{ms}[1]) ? +1 : 0 } @_; } # bobkey(@analyze) sub bobkey { # Bob my @key; for (@_) { push(@key, 0) if $_->cmpquanta($ms{ms}[0]); push(@key, 1) if $_->cmpquanta($ms{ms}[1]); } return @key; } # alicekey(\@ynseq, \@randseq) sub alicekey { # Alice my @key; for(0..$#{$_[0]}){ push(@key, ${$_[1]}[$_]) if ${$_[0]}[$_] } return @key; } 1;

package QStuff; use strict; use Exporter; use Math::MatrixReal; use Quantum::Entanglement; our @ISA = qw/Quantum::Entanglement Exporter/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/entangle/; sub entangle {bless Quantum::Entanglement::entangle(@_)} # args($entangle) returns values passed to entangle() sub args { map {@{$_}} @{${$_[0]->[0]}} } # $entange->probs returns probs only sub probs { my @ar = args(shift); return map {@ar[$_*2]} 0..(int($#ar/2)); } # $entange->states return states only sub states { my @ar = args(shift); return map {@ar[$_*2+1]} 0..(int($#ar/2)); } # $a->cmpquanta($b) sees if 2 quanta the same sub cmpquanta { return 0 unless $_[0]->cmpstates($_[1]); my @probs0 = $_[0]->probs; my @probs1 = $_[1]->probs; for(0..$#probs0){return 0 unless abs($probs0[$_] - $probs1[$_]) < +0.000001} return 1; } # $a->cmpstates($b) sees if $a & $b have the same state space sub cmpstates { my @a = $_[0]->states; my @b = $_[1]->states; return 0 if $#a != $#b; for (0..$#a) {return 0 if $a[$_] != $b[$_]}; return 1; } # project $a onto the subspace of $b sub proj { my ($a, $b) = @_; # checking states compatability to be implemented my @bstates = $b->states; my ($I, $prob, $Pb, $measure, $norm, $measure); $b = Math::MatrixReal->new_from_cols([[$b->probs]]); $a = Math::MatrixReal->new_from_cols([[$a->probs]]); $I = Math::MatrixReal->new_diag( [1, 1] ); $prob = (~$a * $b * ~$b * $a)->element(1,1); $Pb = rand(1) < $prob ? $b * ~$b : ($I - $b * ~$b ); # quantum thi +ng $measure = $Pb * $a; $norm = sqrt((~($measure) * $measure)->element(1,1)); $measure = $Pb * $a * (1/$norm); bless QStuff::entangle( map {$measure->element($_+1, 1) => $bstates[$_]} 0..$#bstates ); } 1;

use strict; use warnings; use QStuff qw/entangle/; my $a0 = entangle(1, 0, 0, 1); my $a1 = entangle(1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 1); my $b0 = entangle(1/sqrt(2), 0, -1/sqrt(2), 1); my $b1 = entangle(0, 0, 1, 1); print "proj\n"; print $a0->proj($b0)->show_states; print $a1->proj($b1)->show_states; print $a0->proj($b1)->show_states; print $a1->proj($b0)->show_states; print "\n\n"; exit; print "cmpquanta\n"; print $a1->cmpquanta($b0) . "\n"; print $a1->cmpquanta($b1) . "\n"; print $a1->cmpquanta($a1) . "\n"; print $b1->cmpquanta($a0) . "\n"; print "\n\n"; print "cmpstates\n"; print $a1->cmpstates($b0) . "\n"; print $a1->cmpstates($b1) . "\n"; print $a1->cmpstates($a1) . "\n"; print $b1->cmpstates($a0) . "\n"; print "\n\n"; print "states\n"; print "@{[$a0->states]}\n"; print "@{[$a1->states]}\n"; print "@{[$b0->states]}\n"; print "@{[$b1->states]}\n"; print "\n\n"; print "probs\n"; print "@{[$a0->probs]}\n"; print "@{[$a1->probs]}\n"; print "@{[$b0->probs]}\n"; print "@{[$b1->probs]}\n"; print "\n\n"; print "args\n"; print "@{[$a0->args]}\n"; print "@{[$a1->args]}\n"; print "@{[$b0->args]}\n"; print "@{[$b1->args]}\n";

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