Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info Jay Madigan (PERLscienceman)
Description: I was reading through nodes and found one on Matrices (reference Node ID 267624 "Code to solve Matrix Formation Puzzle"). It reminded me of a little TK app. that I put together that solves a user input 3X3 Matrix. The code is in the early stages of my experimenting with Perl/Tk. I am certain that in some areas (like 'About' dialog box creation) it could definitely stand for some improvement; but that is what life and learning are about. So... here it is. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
use Tk::DialogBox;
use Math::MatrixReal;
use strict;
sub convert ;

my $MW = MainWindow->new;

### --- Prevents Main Window Resizing
$MW->bind('<Configure>' => sub{
        my $xe = $MW->XEvent;
        $MW->maxsize($xe->w, $xe->h);
        $MW->minsize($xe->w, $xe->h);

### --- Main Window Title

### --- Create Button Frame ##Frame for EXIT Button
my $button_frame = $MW->Frame();
        $button_frame->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => '1', -fill =
+> 'both');
### --- Create Exit Button
my $exit = $button_frame->Button(-text => 'Exit',
               -foreground => 'red',    
               -activebackground => "#FF9090",
                       -font => 'bold',
                       -command => sub
$exit->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => '1', -fill => 'both');

### --- Create Button Frame 2 ## Frame for About Button
my $button_frame2 = $MW->Frame();
        $button_frame2->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => '1', -fill 
+=> 'both');
### --- Create About Button
$button_frame2->Button(-text => "About",
        -foreground => "#007300",
        -activebackground => "#98FB98",
            -font => 'bold',
        -command => sub
        my $dialogA = $MW->DialogBox( -title   => "About this program"
                                              -buttons => [ "OK" ],

                -borderwidth => '3',
                -background => "#FAEBD7", #ANTIQUE WHITE
#                -background => "#88FFCC", 
                                -font => 'bold',
                    -justify => 'left',
                -relief => 'sunken', #One seriously long text string f
+ollows on the next line -->
                                -text => "FOR BEST RESULTS USE: PERL 5
+.6.1 \& Tk 8.0 OR BETTER\nAdditional Required Perl Module: Math::Matr
+ixReal.\nThis program calculates the determinant of a 3X3 Matrix.\nTh
+e Result appears in the \"Green Box\".\n*****************************
+0.1 -- 10\/20\/2001 Initial Version Written by Jay Madigan.\nVersion 
+0.2 -- 12\/04\/2001 Minor text formatting change to disclaimer.\n****
+***************\nREFERENCES ON MATRICES\:\nhttp\:\/\/www.microtonal.c\/matritut.htm\#det\nfile\:\/\/\/C\|\/Perl\/html\/site\/lib\/Math
+**************************************\nThis program is freeware and 
+may be modified and\/or redistributed \nunder the same terms as the G
+NU public license of PERL.\nNo warranty on this code is assumed or im
+plied. ")->pack;

### --- Prevents Dialog Box Resizing
$dialogA->bind('<Configure>' => sub{
        my $xeD = $dialogA->XEvent;
        $dialogA->maxsize($xeD->w, $xeD->h);
        $dialogA->minsize($xeD->w, $xeD->h);

)->pack(-side => 'right', -expand => '1', -fill => 'both');

### --- Create Button Frame 3 ###Frame for Calculate Button
my $button_frame3 = $MW->Frame();
        $button_frame3->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => '1', -fill 
+=> 'both');

### --- Create Convert Button
my $convert = $button_frame3->Button(-text => 'Calculate',
                                    -foreground => "blue",
                                    -activebackground => "#ADD8E6", 
                                    -font => 'bold',
                                    -command => sub
$convert->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => '1', -fill => 'both');

### --- Create Determinant Frame
my $det_frame = $MW->Frame()->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'none', -s
=> 'bottom');

#$det_frame->Label(-text => "Element name:", -font => 'Arial')->pack(-
+side => 'left');
my $det_value = $det_frame->Entry(-highlightbackground => 'green',-hig
+hlightthickness => '1',-font => 'Arial', -width => '10.9', -relief =>
+ 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2');

### --- Create Row 3 Frame
my $row3_frame = $MW->Frame()->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'none', -
=> 'bottom');

my $r3c1 = $row3_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r3c2 = $row3_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r3c3 = $row3_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');

### --- Create Row 2 Frame
my $row2_frame = $MW->Frame()->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'none', -
=> 'bottom');

my $r2c1 = $row2_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r2c2 = $row2_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r2c3 = $row2_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');

### --- Create Row 1 Frame
my $row1_frame = $MW->Frame()->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'none', -
=> 'bottom');

my $r1c1 = $row1_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r1c2 = $row1_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');
my $r1c3 = $row1_frame->Entry(-font => 'bold', -width => '3', -relief 
+=> 'sunken')->pack(-side => 'left', padx => '2', pady => '2');



sub convert {
    my $r1c1 = $r1c1->get;
    my $r1c2 = $r1c2->get;
    my $r1c3 = $r1c3->get;
    my $r2c1 = $r2c1->get;
    my $r2c2 = $r2c2->get;
    my $r2c3 = $r2c3->get;
    my $r3c1 = $r3c1->get;
    my $r3c2 = $r3c2->get;
    my $r3c3 = $r3c3->get;

    print "\n";
    print "$r1c1  $r1c2  $r1c3\n";
    print "$r2c1  $r2c2  $r2c3\n";
    print "$r3c1  $r3c2  $r3c3\n";

my $matrix = Math::MatrixReal->new_from_string(<<"MATRIX");
[ $r1c1  $r1c2  $r1c3 ]
[ $r2c1  $r2c2  $r2c3 ]
[ $r3c1  $r3c2  $r3c3 ]
    my $LR_matrix = $matrix->decompose_LR();

    my $determinant = $LR_matrix->det_LR();

    my $det = $determinant;

    $det_value->delete('0', 'end');
    $det_value->insert('0', $det);